How to set Lumia Icon MMS APN?


New member
Dec 16, 2012
Hey everyone. I just upgraded from my old trusty Lumia 920 to a Lumia Icon today. I then upgraded it from 8.1 denim to 10586.420 to redstone 14383. I have t-mobile service, so I expected to go into SIM settings and set my internet and MMS APNs... Like I did on my 920 (10586.420) but there is no place to set the MMS APN.

For some reason the entire menu for MMS APN on the Icon is gone. I know it's not redstone because it wasn't there on the Icon in 8.1 or 10586.420 either. I just did a hard reset (sadly breaking Hey Cortana) to try to fix it but the menu is still not there. All I see is something new (not seen on the 920) called "IMS Services. IMS Status: Unregistered"

Any idea what to do? My wife texted me a picture to test things and it never came through. I really don't want to return the phone :-/

Hey everyone. I just upgraded from my old trusty Lumia 920 to a Lumia Icon today. I then upgraded it from 8.1 denim to 10586.420 to redstone 14383. I have t-mobile service, so I expected to go into SIM settings and set my internet and MMS APNs... Like I did on my 920 (10586.420) but there is no place to set the MMS APN.

For some reason the entire menu for MMS APN on the Icon is gone. I know it's not redstone because it wasn't there on the Icon in 8.1 or 10586.420 either. I just did a hard reset (sadly breaking Hey Cortana) to try to fix it but the menu is still not there. All I see is something new (not seen on the 920) called "IMS Services. IMS Status: Unregistered"

Any idea what to do? My wife texted me a picture to test things and it never came through. I really don't want to return the phone :-/

you've checked in extras?
This is a Verizon lock out. You will need to use the registry tool open up that function. It is locked out on Icon per VZW. It is not that hard at all... let me find you a link.
Detailed instructions

1. On computer
a. Install the 8.0 tools from!Alw6xWzdjdiFyPEbZyeGO_j3qL1spw
b. Plug in phone via usb and unlock it
c. Open C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v8.0\Tools\XAP Deployment\XapDeploy.exe
d. Deploy vcreg xap from!Alw6xWzdjdiFyPEZrmpwfQoVLUDclQ
2. On phone
a. Open vcreg
b. ? -> templates -> restore NDTKsvc -> apply
c. Reboot
d. Open vcreg
f. Path: Software\Microsoft\Cellular\MVSettings\IMSISpecific\Default\CellUX
g. Key HideMMSAPN
h. Select Read and it should come back as 1
i. Change to 0 and select write
j. Key HideAPNIPType
k. Select Read and it should come back as 1
l. Change to 0 and select write
m. Go to settings -> network & wireless -> cellular & sim -> sim settings
n. Add new MMS APN
i. Name: T-Mobile
ii. APN:
iii. IPv4
iv. MMSC (URL):
o. Reboot

And you should also add an internet APN with the same settings so you get H/H+ and LTE properly. Note that in only setting IPv4 here because the latest Redstone builds break IPv4v6XLAT which is what TMobile is supposed to be so v4 is a temporary workaround
These instructions look great except the settings appear to be specific to T Mobile... do you have these instructions with the verizon specific settings? Particularly for step 20-22... thank you,

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