Surface W8 Pro will sell, but not overthrow iPad

You need to remember that the RT Surface comes with full Office built in. This plus other stuff included right in the OS (the release preview has some of it) means that the need for gobs of apps isn't there in the first place.

Surface is aimed at a market that right now is trying to use the iPad but not very happy with it because, frankly, the productivity applications on iOS are terrible. That is the "mobile professional" crowd. RT will be coming to that crowd with a superior UI and all the productivity software they need to have their tablet really be a laptop replacement in addition to being a really good tablet.
I think the Surface Pro is more competing against the Macbook Air than it is against the iPad. The RT version is the one targeting the iPad.

But I don't see it like Surface vs Apple products. I see it more like ALL the W8 devices vs Apple products. No singe W8 device is going to beat any of the single Apple products.

And I'm not even really counting Google here yet. Maybe if they do a better job of selling Android on tablets then we'll add them in.
I'm going to get the the pro and a new windows phone 8 . At this point the need for a tablet out weights the need for a laptop. I'll just trick the pro version out with memory and storage and share Mystykal show me what working with my good IPAD friends who have nothing to say at this point but were talking nothing but smack for the last 4 years.:lol::lol:
Nothings outselling the iPad for the next year. However beyond that, the Windows Tablets are going to surpass the iPad. The value proposition for Current Windows users and Enterprise customers is very high. Windows on a Tablet allows you to keep all the software you've spent Thousands of dollars on and transition to metro apps that in theory should increase your productivity with them being developed to help users accomplish a series of small specfic tasks. The cross polination with the XBOX division and Windows Phone 8 make the Windows Platform pretty compelling. Home, Work and Play models the way people live pretty closely and Windows now has basically the best experience on at least 2 out of the 3, based on feedback and ratings.

The Pro version is interesting because in theory it's supposed to be an Ultrbook and a tablet. However, my current plan is to get an Envy Spectre and Windows RT tablet. As a developer, it's hard to put you hopes and livelyhood in a device that was designed first and foremost to be a tablet. It's also hard to really write code and work in photoshop on a 10 inch screen. Writing code on a touch type keyboard could be awesome, but the standard keyboard experience is a known entitty. RT tablets are all about consuption and I'm very interested in seeing what Nokia has in the pipeline now having seen the surface. A Surface or Lumia RT tablet should garner the same oohs and ahhs as the iPad if not more.

Microsoft was smart to set the Experience and Hardware standard for Windows 8 Tablets. Every 3rd Party vender just scrapped those budget designs they were recycling from Android. Unless we see designs from 3rd Party venders that excite consumers like the Nokia Lumia 800/900, consumers comitted to buying a windows tablet will just choose the Official Microsoft Tablet. That will hurt the price parity in the consumer space with Apple and Google initially, but from a perception standopoint, consumers will view the Windows Tablets as the creme of the crop. Creme of the crop hardware plus the ability to recycle my software is the formula for market share takeover.
I'm kind of surprised people expect Pro to sell more. Though i can see the reasoning of course.

These new ultrabook by OEM's are finally getting the real stuff out after being stuck to 90's for years. More excitement in that front than i can ever before remember. I don't think the Win8 X86 tablets can compete against them so that they would also take major slice on the tablet market while at it.

To me the tablet still needs to be truly super portable, thin device that has amazing battery life. Sure RT will have rocky start, it has been proven too many times that no matter if you are Google or Apple you will need to simmer that ecosystem for a while before the big masses arrive.

About overselling iPad, maybe someday, maybe not. What i can see happening faster than some tech blogs are predicting is Win8 tablets taking over premium Android tablets.
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I don't think many are talking about Android tablets is because it's kind of expected that W8 tablets will easily shove them aside. I'm not sure if anyone, other than Android enthusiasts, would consider those tablets.
And why get the RT version when you can get both with the Pro? It's like, when asked, most people would opt to pay more for unlimited data, even if they don't come close to using 2GB.

Price. The pro will cost 2x as much as the RT. I already have a desktop computer, why pay over a grand for a tablet?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2
I don't think many are talking about Android tablets is because it's kind of expected that W8 tablets will easily shove them aside. I'm not sure if anyone, other than Android enthusiasts, would consider those tablets.

What do you mean you don't think many are talking about Android tablets? Pull your head out of the sand. If you think Microsoft has an easy road ahead with tablets you are fooling yourself.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2
What do you mean you don't think many are talking about Android tablets? Pull your head out of the sand. If you think Microsoft has an easy road ahead with tablets you are fooling yourself.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2

We will find out in a few months. I think the future success of Android tablets will be confined to budget types like Nooks, Kindles and Tabs in the sub $300 range. I think premium tablets like the Xoom and Sony S will be hit the hardest.
I'm going with the RT. I don't want to wait an extra 3 months for the pro. Plus, the RT fits my needs in a tablet. I also think the apps will start coming in faster than before.

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