First Pictures of 920 | Rogers Canada

There's one thing I'm pretty surprised hasn't already come up so far and while it might not be a big thing it's something I heard a LOT of complaints about with Lumia 900's and I'm wondering if Nokia learned from their mistakes...

On the 900 everyone seemed to suggest that the screen was durable as was the body, but the chrome surround of the camera would get easily scratched etc and ruin the look of the back of the phone. Is this still an issue on the 920?
There's one thing I'm pretty surprised hasn't already come up so far and while it might not be a big thing it's something I heard a LOT of complaints about with Lumia 900's and I'm wondering if Nokia learned from their mistakes...

On the 900 everyone seemed to suggest that the screen was durable as was the body, but the chrome surround of the camera would get easily scratched etc and ruin the look of the back of the phone. Is this still an issue on the 920?

No, that part is now ceramic thus more scratch resistant
Video requests and questions

Excellent posting and walk throughs - I wish you hade to 920s so you could shoot your demos with a 920 instead of the 900 (that seems to shake a lot) :D

I am EXTREMELY interested in the VIDEO camera and wonder of you could do the following tests - answer some questions?

1a. Is there a video camera assist light or anything else that lights up when you shoot video? Maybe you could film the lens side of the L920 as you record video with it?

1b. If yes, can it be turned on/off from the menu?
(i saw one review where it looked like they had light assist when they shot video, so I am curious. Sometimes it is good to have to light up the subject, but sometimes like when at weddings, parties and stuff you dont want to flash people with two bright LEDs in the face :D)

2. It seems like there is some extreme colour shift on the videos. In the outdoor scene it radically changes white balance and even in the indoor scene where you force flourescent WB it changes in white balanace both with and without autofocus.
Does that happen all the time when shooting video or was it only those two occasions?

3. Could you shoot a 1080p video please and then shoot 720 p of the exact same scene as good as possible. I know it is bigger but a 15s video would work fine :)
I want to see if the 1080 adds quality or if it is like other phones where it only seems to either zoom in or just makes a bigger file but the sensor is not good enough to get more detail.
a - Please shoot one in normal daylight and try focusing on different things close and far away and se how well the autofocus works. An extreme test would be moving hand in front of camera and then remove it to see reaction speed and accuracy of autofoucs (the hand might also influence white balance)
b - Please shoot one in low lightning indoors - like with dimmed lights (not candle light dark, more like when the TV is on lighting up the room)

4. Is there any good video camera app for the phone. The built in seems to have a lot of gimmicks but I really want one that can handle white balance, auto focus, codecs and so on professionally at least until Nokia releases a fix for the white balance issue.

5. It also seemed to have problems focusing in the end of the scene whene you ran up the stairs and after you went through the door at the end of the corridor it got blurry. Does that happen a lot? I mean 1080 is no use without focus :)

6. Is there any photo app available? Removing the "sharpness" control was not a very smart move by nokia. I have looked at comparisons with GS3 and the GS3 looks sharper both due to lens probably but also since GS3 adds A LOT of sharpening (so much it causes ringing). L920 on the other hand seems to add NO sharpening nor NR (noise reduction). This is great when you want to shoot serious and do touch ups after, but for casual point and shoot I would love to be able to add a degree of NR and EE (Edge enhancement)..not much but a touch just to make the pictures seem a bit more razor without ringing or destroying too much detail :)

7a. Does the screen turn off as you put the phone to your ear for calling?

7b. Does it have the same useful feature as the Samsung GS3 that the screen backlight stays on as long as you look at it? Or is there an app for that?

8. Is there any "samsung style" drag down bar app (the one where you can turn on off GPS, WiFi, BT, rotation, sound, see notifications and reminders) to download for the phone. That will probably be the part I miss the most from my Sammy GS2 since I use it as much as the screen lock, but that is basically the only thing i will miss :)

9 Can you pin the calendar to the lock screen so that you just tap the lock screen and then you can see for example the coming 3days scheduled appointments? I have that on my old 5230 and it is super usefull since i check the calendar often for meetings (bad memory i guess :D )

10 Can you choose your own sound for the shutter and video start/stop? Can You disable them?

11. Can you have only haptic feedback on keyboard (no clickety click)

12. Is there as swipe alternative for WP8?

I really love the work you do for us - I have scavanged the net since the release for tests and found a lot but yours are really the best ones, especially photo and video tests. I can send a bunch of external links for test if you want to collect more :)

PLEASE up the full vids of 1080 tests on skydrive since Youtube destroys the original quality :)

Especially 1080 videos taken with this super phone :)
The OIS really seems amazing :-)
And the phone is SUPER STUNNING to look at. I love the curves.
I am getting a red one - that colour looks really crisp and cool. The downside it is not as versatile if I want to change colour of live tiles since not all matches red :)

Best regards
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I don't think the camera is as good as Nokia advertised. Look at this:

Click to view quoted image

All details are fuzzy, seems no focus at all. It's not even as good as a pic taken by a normal smartphone. Very disappointed. I was hoping this phone all the time, but now I am stepping back.
I agree with You - the night photos are great but the daylight photos seems a bit soft in some cases. But it really seems to depend from photo to photo.

I wonder if the two stage shutter button is used or the screen?
If semi pressed it shoud be given some time to focus before fully pressing it to snap.

For quick point and shoot it sure works to just press down fuly directly to emphasize speed if it is a "quick moment" but for full sharpness i guess it should be given time to focus correctly or? I have not owned a Lumia so i dont know but could that be the reason?

And if using the screen to snap - TAKE NOTE that where you put your finger is the focus point so if you press accidentaly on the sky trees and grass will get blurry since focus is set to inifnity. Just a reminder :)
Have you had a look at the Transfer my Data feature? Thanks.

No I did not used it to go from the 900 to the 920. I signed in with my hotmail and all contacts were there.

I did the settings and the apps manually on purpose.
Xsever thank you for all of the extensive information you have shared. How is the data reception/signal strength? Where you able to compare the radio reception to an 8 X at all
No I did not used it to go from the 900 to the 920. I signed in with my hotmail and all contacts were there.

I did the settings and the apps manually on purpose.

Thanks, I'm wondering if it transfers anything else like SMS, if its just contacts then its definitely not that useful.
Is it possible to add a network location on Windows Phone 8? If so, what are the options for security types in WP8?
This is a question for the OP:

Can you confirm if there are now separate volume controls for music and ringtone?

I don't think the camera is as good as Nokia advertised. Look at this:

Not true since Nokia has not made a single advertisement where they claim superior daylight performance. Low-light performance and optical image stabilization on the other hand have been as great as claimed in the advertisements.

That being said, that particular photo is not very great.
Guys Photo quality varies much from one gallery to the other depending on a variety of factors, but if you want to see some really impressive pictures taken with the 920 see the verge's gallery. Spot on pictures, perfect color reproduction, great focus and so on. I'm gonna say that again - a camera is only as good as the hands you put it in.

Gallery: Lumia 920 sample photos | The Verge

I don't know for you, but pictures like these taken from my phone are just perfectly ok, and put in the equation all the video tests xserver did, and you have the complete package in a smartphone :)

Edit : Those from engadget look awesome too. Daytime also. No need to mention nighttime...
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Hi, thanks for doing these videos and answering questions! Can you confirm that the phone supports USB On-The-Go? I guess you would need a special cable to actually test it, but does it say anything in the manual about this?

An Italian blog today has reported that Nokia Lumia 920 doesn't support USB on the go and the cable supplied with some Nokia Symbian device is not compatible with the USB port on the Lumia 920.
Thanks so much for making this video! Looks super smooth and sharp. The OIS works great. I didn't even notice when you changed hands!

One thing I notice is that the colors are still changing a bit through the video. I'm guessing that is because of the auto exposure still being on. If you have a sec could you do one more short vid with all the auto settings off?

(Sorry if it sounds like I'm being picky. I went to school for video production and work at a video compression company so I'm a pretty uptight about video quality. :) Good luck in school btw!)

Nothing left to turn OFF really :D
Xsever thank you for all of the extensive information you have shared. How is the data reception/signal strength? Where you able to compare the radio reception to an 8 X at all

Come on! :D Nokia is known for being the best out there in terms of signal, reception, and call quality. Nothing changes with the 920. Superb in this department.

Is it possible to add a network location on Windows Phone 8? If so, what are the options for security types in WP8?

What do you mean? Please be more detailed.
Battery Life Update: I haven't been tracking numbers, but so far, it seems the 920's battery life is better than the 900.

I am studying Electrical Engineering and taking courses in batteries and learnt that the more often you can charge a battery from a higher level, the better since long/deep charging cycles take a lot of time which produce more heat --> which raises the battery's temperature --> which decreases its health and life cycle.

So I always plug my device whenever I can until it reaches 100%.

Overall though, battery life is not issue. I can see the phone easily lasting 1.5 days with moderate use.

NOTE: I am on LTE at work with 1 to 2 bars only yet battery life is still amazing.
That is not the case with all types of batteries, but very typical for Li-ion batteries. Sadly old battery myths from Nimh-times are still very strong at least around here.

But yes, as a good rule of thumb is that charging too often is much healthier to the battery than charging too rarely :D

The wireless charging will make this much more convenient too. That said, I'm in a spot where I can only really "afford" one wireless charger and I'd like to charge up during the night at my night stand, but my night stand is way too inconveniently placed for "during the day charging".

Optionally I could try to change the charge cycle of mine so that I charge it full before I go to bed and when at home, I just have the wireless charger next to my desktop PC and just put it there (very much center of the apartment) when I'm home.
That is not the case with all types of batteries, but very typical for Li-ion batteries. Sadly old battery myths from Nimh-times are still very strong at least around here.

But yes, as a good rule of thumb is that charging too often is much healthier to the battery than charging too rarely :D

The wireless charging will make this much more convenient too. That said, I'm in a spot where I can only really "afford" one wireless charger and I'd like to charge up during the night at my night stand, but my night stand is way too inconveniently placed for "during the day charging".

Optionally I could try to change the charge cycle of mine so that I charge it full before I go to bed and when at home, I just have the wireless charger next to my desktop PC and just put it there (very much center of the apartment) when I'm home.

Yeah I should have noted I have talking about Li-ion batteries.

As for wireless chargers, I still don't see a huge incentive unless they were pretty cheap. At the listed prices already, no way I am investing.

I bought 5 HP Touchpad chargers when they were on sale for $5 each and I have them placed at home in strategic locations where I spend most of my time. On my night stand, I have the original Nokia charger which I use.

Wireless chargers are definitely cool, but their cost at the moment really makes no business case. I hope they get cheaper so that that they can become more mainstream.
I agree, the only reason I'm getting a wireless charger is cos the place I ordered my Lumia 920 from basically gives me like 70% discount on the Fatboy-pillows :D

With the normal retail prices it's a bit too much for what it returns. It's cool and convenient, but not worth just THAT much. But yeah, getting one cheap with my unlocked Lumia 920, so that's why I'm getting one :)

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