Quick Charge Problems


Active member
May 6, 2015

I'm noticing on my idol 4s at times it saying my rate of charge is at 1% or lower and it won't charge as fast. When its quick charging its at 18-28%. What is making it charge so slowly? Is there something I need to do to make it quick charge or do the build have a effect on the quick charging?
My cord is fine in perfect condition and im on build .693
Its strange, I had a similar issue with my AT&T 950. Most of the time it would charge in less than two hours(I cannot actually remember the time); there were occasional times when it would take more than four or five hours. Completely unpredictable. So far neither my DS 950 nor my Idol 4S have had that issue(knock on wood).
Its strange, I had a similar issue with my AT&T 950. Most of the time it would charge in less than two hours(I cannot actually remember the time); there were occasional times when it would take more than four or five hours. Completely unpredictable. So far neither my DS 950 nor my Idol 4S have had that issue(knock on wood).
Makes me think it's a build issue but I'm going to buy another sub type c cord and see if that makes a difference

Sent from Idol 4S
So I'm just getting to play with this device...

Using the factory charger and cable, I'm getting 35.9% / hour. Not blistering fast, but better than my 1520 with a Nokia AC-50U (5v, 1.3a) which usually gives me 24.85% / hour.

I have a feeling Alcatel cheaped out and the cable on the USB A end is 2.0. The charger itself should output 5v, 2a or 9v, 1.67a...

I'm going to go USB C to USB C with my cables and try a pair of Aukey smart chargers:
(Home) https://smile.amazon.com/AUKEY-Wall...TF8&qid=1484518589&sr=1-1&keywords=B01DVH7Q8M

(Car) https://smile.amazon.com/AUKEY-CC-Y...TF8&qid=1484518635&sr=1-1&keywords=B01E764DXM

I can let you know how they work out later this week...
Makes me think it's a build issue but I'm going to buy another sub type c cord and see if that makes a difference
Sent from Idol 4S

I'm puzzled myself. It would be nice to know why. Hope there's a solution. For the time being I'll keep hoping it doesn't occur on my current device.
So I'm just getting to play with this device...

Using the factory charger and cable, I'm getting 35.9% / hour. Not blistering fast, but better than my 1520 with a Nokia AC-50U (5v, 1.3a) which usually gives me 24.85% / hour.
View attachment 133308

I have a feeling Alcatel cheaped out and the cable on the USB A end is 2.0. The charger itself should output 5v, 2a or 9v, 1.67a...
View attachment 133309

I'm going to go USB C to USB C with my cables and try a pair of Aukey smart chargers:
(Home) https://smile.amazon.com/AUKEY-Wall...TF8&qid=1484518589&sr=1-1&keywords=B01DVH7Q8M

(Car) https://smile.amazon.com/AUKEY-CC-Y...TF8&qid=1484518635&sr=1-1&keywords=B01E764DXM

I can let you know how they work out later this week...
Thanks I'll try to grab a replacement cable from Walmart or best buy today if I can make it out there

Sent from Idol 4S
OK, got the Aukey gear in. FWIW, the wall charger came with a 3.3 foot C to C cable which was not listed in the contents on the sales page. :cool:

Plugged it in and saw this:

Only 35.09%. I was disappointed. Then I watched the battery percent climb faster than the charge rate would indicate...

So I timed it. 1% battery increase in 40.13 seconds. Call it 40 seconds with lag time for me to start/stop the timer.

60 seconds in a minute times 60 minutes in an hour = 3600 seconds in an hour
3600 / 40 second intervals = 90% per hour...

Hmmm... Plugged in the factory charger and cable. Saw the same 35.09% Timed that at a 1% battery increase in 54 seconds... 66.67% per hour.

Plugged the Aukey back in (USB C to C cable mind you).

Went in and out of Battery App at intervals. Saw various charge rates ranging from 58% to 75% approximately.

It is my impression that Quick Charge and smart chargers will vary the charge v/a to push current at a max, ease off, push again. This gives you faster charge times while limiting the risk of overheating.

Conclusion, my device is using Quick Charge and charging rapidly with the factory charger and even a little faster with the Aukey and a C to C connection. I believe the polling in the Battery App may not be staying in sync with the v/a changes as they occur and poll lag is giving me anomalous results for charge rate, even though battery % seems to be real time.


FYI the documentation with the Aukey states it can push the following through the C port:
3.6 to 6.5 volt, 3 amp
6.5 to 9 volt, 2 amp
9 to 12 volt, 1.5 amp

On the 3.0 USB A port it will push:
5 volt, 2.4 amp (max) - I believe this is a smart socket that will scale up to 2.4 amp, but may supply less if appropriate
OK, got the Aukey gear in. FWIW, the wall charger came with a 3.3 foot C to C cable which was not listed in the contents on the sales page. :cool:

Plugged it in and saw this:
View attachment 133349

Only 35.09%. I was disappointed. Then I watched the battery percent climb faster than the charge rate would indicate...

So I timed it. 1% battery increase in 40.13 seconds. Call it 40 seconds with lag time for me to start/stop the timer.

60 seconds in a minute times 60 minutes in an hour = 3600 seconds in an hour
3600 / 40 second intervals = 90% per hour...

Hmmm... Plugged in the factory charger and cable. Saw the same 35.09% Timed that at a 1% battery increase in 54 seconds... 66.67% per hour.

Plugged the Aukey back in (USB C to C cable mind you).

Went in and out of Battery App at intervals. Saw various charge rates ranging from 58% to 75% approximately.

It is my impression that Quick Charge and smart chargers will vary the charge v/a to push current at a max, ease off, push again. This gives you faster charge times while limiting the risk of overheating.

Conclusion, my device is using Quick Charge and charging rapidly with the factory charger and even a little faster with the Aukey and a C to C connection. I believe the polling in the Battery App may not be staying in sync with the v/a changes as they occur and poll lag is giving me anomalous results for charge rate, even though battery % seems to be real time.


FYI the documentation with the Aukey states it can push the following through the C port:
3.6 to 6.5 volt, 3 amp
6.5 to 9 volt, 2 amp
9 to 12 volt, 1.5 amp

On the 3.0 USB A port it will push:
5 volt, 2.4 amp (max) - I believe this is a smart socket that will scale up to 2.4 amp, but may supply less if appropriate

I bought the aukey cables type c to usb 3.0 and I swapped my phone out yesterday under warranty

With the block that came with the phone and the aukey usb cable im still not gettin any higher than 17% - 20% charging rate and still slower charging. And this is a different phone at that.

I'm going to order the aukey block as well.

Out of curiosity why did u get type c to type c cord and charger instead of usb 3.0?

Does that charge faster?

EDIT: I guess u have to leave it alone for a few mins for the high charge rates to kick in I walked away roughly 5 mins came back the charge rate was 31%

Sent from Idol 4S
Last edited:
Out of curiosity why did u get type c to type c cord and charger instead of usb 3.0?

Does that charge faster?

EDIT: I guess u have to leave it alone for a few mins for the high charge rates to kick in I walked away roughly 5 mins came back the charge rate was 31%

I went C to C to be future ready. They are on the new USB 3.1 standard. Currently only my Idol 4S Windows has that port, but I'm seeing it more and more. I'm not ready for a new laptop or 2-in1 yet, but expect a USB C port to be in the next one I buy. It's just the direction things are moving in. USB-C can deliver up to 100w power and 10 Gbps data transfer speeds. It can also offer display port functionality. I believe we have our new standard as it is fast, very manageable in size and convenient. I'm expecting it to proliferate widely over the next few years.

Again, I think the polling of battery apps is not keeping up with the "push and relax" cycle of smart charging. I closed and opened my battery app (the Arthur Seminov version) several times during observation and saw many different rates. One for each spot check.

I think the real test is to observe the increase in battery percent and time it to hand calculate the charge rate. That and maybe just set the app to alarm when charge reaches 100% while you time how long it took from x, where x is the percent charge you had when the charge cycle started so you can see real world results rather than what the app poling is estimating at that moment.

My observations seemed to show me that the Aukey + C to C charged faster than the factory issued block + cable. Not an earth shaking difference, but statistically significant.
I notice that when I plugged it to my USB on my couch it charge faster that it's charger..
Originally posted by Sedp23

I'm noticing on my idol 4s at times it saying my rate of charge is at 1% or lower and it won't charge as fast. When its quick charging its at 18-28%. What is making it charge so slowly? Is there something I need to do to make it quick charge or do the build have a effect on the quick charging?
My cord is fine in perfect condition and im on build .693
Totally unscientific, but whatever... Take it or not.

I broke out the Aukey Car Charger and C <> C cable tonight.

9:08PM I was at 32%. 9:35PM I was at 52% and I stopped for gas inbetween. When I turn my car off the socket goes out so no charging for at least 4-5 minutes in there.

Not too shabby. About 1% a minute or thereabout.
My first Idol 4S was very buggy when charging. I got 'slow USB' notifications, charging interruptions, and other problems. I tried various combinations of OEM and aftermarket cables and chargers along with factory resets. I finally replaced the unit.

My new phone charges very quickly with no problems, though I haven't measured the rates. I still got the 'slow USB' notification even though it seemed to charge quickly. I just disabled the notification option.

A quick observation- the Idol 4S charge light turns off a while after it's charged; our Fierce XL stays on even when full. Does anyone else see this?

I obviously got a lemon, though I don't know whether it was a hardware or software problem. Maybe Alcatel hasn't gotten the battery right yet. At least there haven't been any fires.

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