Marshmallow starts rolling out to users!


New member
May 12, 2014
Google has started to roll out an other update indeed and we are still holding a hammer and a nail since a decade? Whether I will still hear that MS is developing from scratch. Can you do it?

The point is nearly majority of the devices will receive update only in February? Great!
Just to clarify any news about 640XL getting win10 update this 14th? In India?
If you want it so badly get the insider build.i guess since it's on the newer phones and works without insider app we might also get the same build by the end of this month or even a better build. Anyway now it's pretty clear that windows 10 will never have a build that is fully out of beta. Every new update would just be a beta build. Ruining it on a640 without any problems :D. Would've updated my 930 too if it were with me :|. Moms 625 not running good though. Dual core phones gonna suffer with windows 10.
Windows 10 mobile BETA, lol. MS was smart enough to choose it as a service, awesome,excuse to release half-baked features and incrementally updating them once a decade :P. Btw, I ll wait for December 14th and if there is any news about getting the non insider update. If no, shall go ahead with insider and be there forever with a spanner and a hammer in my hand :D
Windows 10 mobile BETA, lol. MS was smart enough to choose it as a service, awesome,excuse to release half-baked features and incrementally updating them once a decade :P. Btw, I ll wait for December 14th and if there is any news about getting the non insider update. If no, shall go ahead with insider and be there forever with a spanner and a hammer in my hand :D

Well the update does not do much good to benchmarks. Even though he phone feels as smooth as usual all benchmarks show the same change on windows 10 tried basemark os ii too but i lost those screenshots.

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