Android lumia phone

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Jul 22, 2015
I can't wait till i watch MS make android lumia phone like what BB did :D i guess it would be better than what we are holding in our hands :D
I can't wait till i watch MS make android lumia phone like what BB did :D i guess it would be better than what we are holding in our hands :D

Why would you want an android windows phone. Take the best OS off and add a laggy mess on the phone?
Laggy mess are you talking about gingerbread or kitkat?

Any version is laggy, I was just playing with the asus zenfone 2 and its slow, laggy and choppy. I think that's 5.0? or am I wrong?

I have KitKat on my galaxy note and it down right SUCKS! Stay tuned, There will be 2 galaxys being destroyed in some great fashion.
Any version is laggy, I was just playing with the asus zenfone 2 and its slow, laggy and choppy. I think that's 5.0? or am I wrong?

I have KitKat on my galaxy note and it down right SUCKS! Stay tuned, There will be 2 galaxys being destroyed in some great fashion.

Currently I'm using a Galaxy Alpha (basically a smaller S5) with CyanogenMod 13 (Marshmallow) and there is no lag.
Did some work on my friend's ZenFone 5 and it performed fine on KitKat.

A while back I test drove a S II Skyrocket on KitKat and it performed fine.
Now the HTC Aria on Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean, there were some issues there.

I do hear about TouchWiz contributing to stutter on Galaxies, but I haven't experienced it firsthand.
And I've also heard KitKat being called the Windows 7 of Android.

Paging Laura!
I agree that stock android phones suffer from lagginess. I also agree that custom toms run smooth on android phones. But everyone's argument is that we shouldn't have to mod our device to run smooth or get decent battery life.
Any version is laggy, I was just playing with the asus zenfone 2 and its slow, laggy and choppy. I think that's 5.0?

I have a ZF2.
A recent system update did some damage.
I was forced to reinstall one or two apps.
The Dolphin flash browser started force closing.
I noticed right after the Asus update I received about 29 Android app updates.
A number of apps on Android don't like being on the SD card.
It takes some adjustment to level any phone OS out when things go awry.

This kind of thing reminded me of trying to move my 1020 to WM10.
The update caused my Windows phone to become a laggy\buggy mess.
Thankfully for volunteers it's possible to roll back.

Android can be a bear and many say they can't stand or don't like the OS.
There's just no real reason for trashing it simply because one prefers Windows.
Vanilla Android is not near as laggy or buggy as it was prior to Jelly Bean. Personally, I find it to be less attractive than Windows but that's just me. I used a Note 4 for a couple of weeks and I can attest to TouchWiz being an abortion that lived. Daily force closes on any app is unforgivable in this day and age. I'm using a BB Priv now and in the 1-1/2 weeks since I got it there have been zero FCs, zero reboots, flawless performance and no dropped calls. Thank goodness for Microsoft apps on Android.
I haven't experienced any lag on my Nexus 7 2013, 2013 Moto X (which I used for 7 months), or my current Moto X Pure Edition. The MXPE had Lollipop 5.1.1 when I got it. It's running Marshmallow now, with no lag or bugs. I didn't even need to do a factory reset after installing Marshmallow.
I have a ZF2.
A recent system update did some damage.
I was forced to reinstall one or two apps.
The Dolphin flash browser started force closing.
I noticed right after the Asus update I received about 29 Android app updates.
A number of apps on Android don't like being on the SD card.
It takes some adjustment to level any phone OS out when things go awry.

This kind of thing reminded me of trying to move my 1020 to WM10.
The update caused my Windows phone to become a laggy\buggy mess.
Thankfully for volunteers it's possible to roll back.

Android can be a bear and many say they can't stand or don't like the OS.
There's just no real reason for trashing it simply because one prefers Windows.

One is NOT trashing it because One prefers windows, One is trashing it because of personal experience with it compared to both IOS and windows phone. IOS is smooth , but boring, android is laggy and buggy, and windows 10/8.1 is JUST RIGHT. Its smooth, and not boring.

I had my 1020 running w10. back about 2 months ago, the only issue I had was it used more battery. Since then it has improved and there are a few tweaks in the reporting of errors area of w10 that you can disable to make it even better. I am going back on 10 as soon as I get my screen repaired. At least I can make and receive calls, text, emails etc without random freezeups, reboots, and slow as molasses lag as I have on my galaxy note now. Its horrid.
Any version is laggy, I was just playing with the asus zenfone 2 and its slow, laggy and choppy. I think that's 5.0? or am I wrong?

I have KitKat on my galaxy note and it down right SUCKS! Stay tuned, There will be 2 galaxys being destroyed in some great fashion.

Trashing the whole android after using a horrible touch wiz loaded device! And you don't expect any lag from windows phone? Then what are the in famous loading and resuming screens.
Well never the less I'm just not seeing this lag on my current Android phones. What I do see on my Windows phone quite often is the loading/resuming delay.
I have been able to minimize it slightly yet it does persist. It's been a trademark on all the Lumia phones I've owned.
Hopefully it will disappear forever with newer hardware and upcoming OS improvements.
Well never the less I'm just not seeing this lag on my current Android phones. What I do see on my Windows phone quite often is the loading/resuming delay.
I have been able to minimize it slightly yet it does persist. It's been a trademark on all the Lumia phones I've owned.
Hopefully it will disappear forever with newer hardware and upcoming OS improvements.

I have never seen resume or load screens on my 1020. Dunno where they come from.
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