Antivirus for WinPhones (entertainment/humor)

Lolz, I concur with the others make it more elaborate!

What about N/A-nti Virus as a name? :winktongue:

Also you may want to put a disclaimer in the description and app to indicate it is humorous app.
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Also, there should be a disclaimer in the about screen that states it's a joke app for fun.
What about N/A-nti Virus as a name? :winktongue:

Also you may want to put a disclaimer in the description and app to indicate it is humorous app.
Such disclaimer is already there. The app is already named, not sure how hard it is to rename something already submitted to Store.
OP: Don't mean to be the grouch here, but isn't this just going to confuse the issue...?
Hopefully just the opposite. Confused users thinking they need antivirus will be educated.
Next thing we know there'll be 50 fake Anti-virus programs in the store and some leading "reliable" news site like Fox News will pick up on this and say Windows Phone now has the need for lots of Anti-virus software to cope with the rampant virus outbreak on the platform because its Windows.
Of course, by then the situation practically demands for viruses for those soon-to-be apps.... "when virus" haha
Well that didn't go well. Guess I'll have to make it more functional and try again.
App Policies: 10.1 Inadequate Functionality

Your app and its associated metadata must accurately and clearly reflect the source, functionality, and features of your app.
•The screenshots, app name, developer name, tile, category and app description, and any other related metadata you provide with your app, should make it easy for a user to understand the functions, features, and any important limitations of your app.
•Your app may not use a name or icon similar to that of other apps.
•You should not represent your app to be from a company, government body, or other entity if you do not have permission to make that representation.
•If your app contains content or features restricted to certain languages, markets or geographies or has other important limitations, they should be clearly described.
•Your app must be fully functional and offer customers unique, creative value or utility.
•If your app declares an association with a given file type or extensibility point, it must provide the functionality that a customer would expect, given that association. For example, if your app declares an association with the .jpg file type, the app should be able to open the image for viewing or editing.

Notification/Action Requested:

The app has limited functionality. Your app and metadata must offer customers unique, creative value or utility.
I could maybe throw my hat in the ring too... Although I don't want to step on any toes, and it's all dependent on "free" time.
Well that didn't go well. Guess I'll have to make it more functional and try again.

My gut feeling is that it's a bit too "in your face". I don't think the app actually needs to include any real computational functionality for MS to admit it to the store. It just needs to serve a purpose. There's just not enough information there for it to be considered educational. Really make it educational (explain why), and I think you'd have a chance.

Maybe also remove the face palm meme. There's no point in telling users how ignorant they are. Nobody wants to hear that (no matter how justified it may be). Just tell them what they need to know in an entertaining way.
Well that didn't go well. Guess I'll have to make it more functional and try again.

Then blend it into a more useful app, explaining all is needed to know about viruses, the different kinds, and bust some miths.
After all, it matches with the original objective of the app, teach the user.
Well here we go. It should show up in the store soon, here's the direct link. Once it's installed, the name is "Placebo Antivirus"

I added more useful information and educational stuff, and a Bing search that brings up relevant articles. Still has the Picard facepalm meme though.

I'm guessing I made it through the automated process this time with no human intervention; it took less than a day to publish.
Well despite my best efforts of making it bleeding obvious in the Store listing that this app is for humor and entertainment only, and not very good at either one... and not showing up for some reason when you search the store for "Antivirus" or "Placebo" - as of today, Placebo Antivirus is my most popular app ever with 23,210 downloads and three five-star ratings!

Update July 25: now at 148,070 downloads. My jaw is on the floor. Reviews are a mix of five star "best app ever" and one star "what an *****"
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