8.1 word flow keyboard alternate characters appear too quickly


New member
Jun 11, 2014
ok, maybe I'm not fast enough. When I start to type a word using glide, if I pause on the first letter, (A,T,. Y etc) a collection of alternate characters appears. This would be great if I had any interest in these character. I don't. It is an annoyance. Is there a way to stop them from appearing? Or increase the long press time before they appear?
ok, maybe I'm not fast enough. When I start to type a word using glide, if I pause on the first letter, (A,T,. Y etc) a collection of alternate characters appears. This would be great if I had any interest in these character. I don't. It is an annoyance. Is there a way to stop them from appearing? Or increase the long press time before they appear?

Nope, this also happens on most other keyboards on iOS and Android too. Just think about what you want type before you type it ;)
Nope, this also happens on most other keyboards on iOS and Android too. Just think about what you want type before you type it ;)

Plan ahead? That will be a life change. I have used swiftkey on my android tablet. It doesn't respond with alternatives as quickly as wp does. In wp I have to hit the keyboard gliding. A setting to disable or at least control response time would be nice for me.
Plan ahead? That will be a life change. I have used swiftkey on my android tablet. It doesn't respond with alternatives as quickly as wp does. In wp I have to hit the keyboard gliding. A setting to disable or at least control response time would be nice for me.

Yeah, I mean like the Word Flow keyboard is not without its' faults (whenever I'm typing normally sometimes it'll register two taps in close timing as a swipe) but they might add a similar option in the final build of 8.1

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