audio player for 8.1


New member
Jun 11, 2014
On my android tablet I have an app called rocketplayer. It has a basic equalizer, and time line, so that I can repeat sections, move ahead, or go back when playing an M4A (ALAC?). If I click on the m4a in a file manager, rocketplayer automatically opens to play it.

I have tried several WP (8.1) apps. Audio Player Free will play m4a's if I move them to the music folder. It can't search to 'download' folder. Nor does it have a time line. I have tried Flac Player and several others. Clicking directly on the m4a in download folder give an error message about not being able to open file.

Anyone know of an audioplayer that has a time line? and as a bonus, can play directly from download folder and have equalizer.
Equalizer is integrated in Lumia devices. The default music player (Music) in WP 8.1 has a timeline. The downloads folder is too new. However if you open an MP3 from the official file browser (Files) Music should open automatically.
I tried a couple of audio players that came with the 925, but not Music. The m4a that I am listening to are lectures. Oddly, when I download them from web page, 925 automatically starts playing them. But when I go to Download or Music folder and click on the file I get an error message about unknown file type.

Thanks for the lead on "music' app. it indeed has a timeline. It is more complicated to use than I am used to, having to move files to Music folder, having it giving me "unknown" as title (that's helpful), and the timeline counts down rather than up .
I expect that at some point I'll find wp audio app that will respond by simply clicking on an audio file.

update: the Music app does show does count up as well as down. I was incorrect.
Also, last night I downloaded another w4a file. I tried to play it from Files app. This w4a file did play in the native audio player. No error message this time.
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