international version of 1520


New member
Jun 21, 2014
Hi all,
I live in the UK and I am looking to upgrade to a Lumia 1520 very soon. I have noticed that the international version of the phone is somewhat cheaper. If i was to purchase the international version of the phone how would this affect its performance in the UK if at all? My current version of my phone is an international version and I rarely get a decent 3g signal, I don't know if this is due to the phone or my carrier but it does drive me nuts.
Is it the RM-937 version?

Personally i'd buy only from a UK store, I bought a RM-937 from amazon and the amount of issues I had with it became unbearable. You have no warranty in the uk and if it needs a repair only a Nokia care centre or one of the repairers on ebay will help you.

Mine's turned out to be a hong kong version which I eventually sold on.

It can be a cheaper purchase first but it might cost you later on. You will get some great deals if you search and your guaranteed to get a uk phone with the 24 month warranty.
Thanks for the reply, I have messaged two different sellers on amazon and had no sense from either what version of the phone they are selling. My issue is that I am thinking of getting one for me and one for the misses and initially buying from amazon will save me three hundred and twenty quid, which is a fair amount of money. I guess you get what you pay for in the end but I do not understand the differences between the versions of the phone and what that would actually equate to in the user experience with signal in the UK. Thanks for the reply, I shall have a look round the UK as well and see what I can find.
Don't trust any of the Amazon sellers, I went through 10 at least before I took the plunge to buy, they did say it was a uk version but when it turned up there was a sticker over the imei barcode trying to hide it.

You get what you pay for but i'd rather have the backup if anything did go wrong. You'll get some great deals over at EE or try searching for some online but don't be tempted with those sellers on Amazon or eBay. When mine started developing white blotches on the LCD I knew it was time to let it go.

My 1520 wasn't as clear with voice calls compared to a mates bought originally on O2 so I don't know how the radio differences affect call quality.
Personally what i done is went to Woolworths online and got the lumia 1520 on a 12 months no buy option. If you complete the payment before your ment to start paying in twelve months time you wont get charged any APR. check Littlewoods online too. They both vary in price despite both being one campany

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