How do I disable notifications for GT Racing 2?

If there isn't a way to do it in the app (I don't have that app, so I don't know), you can go into settings | notifications, and turn them off for that app. This assumes you're on WP8.1. If you're still on WP8.0, you'll have to wait until 8.1. You can download the preview, or you can wait for the official release, which speculation says should start rolling within the next month or so.
I am on 8.1
There is some options for disabling notifications in the app, but it doesn't seem to work!
Also, I tryed to disable it in Settings, but app is not listed there.
You need to distinguish between toast notifications, which is what you can disable in app or by using the switch in the battery sense app, and the way GTR2 is bugging you with information. It's currently making use of the OS reminders, for whatever reason. Unfortunately these can't be disabled in the game as of yet. Neither can you disable these anywhere else. According to Gameloft_Ryan he forwarded complaints about that to the devs already, so a fix should come soon.
Thanks a lot man, it's all I needed to know. I'll wait for update and hope it will be soon. :)
Looking for this also. Hope fix comes soon. It isn't terrible, but well its annoying.
I'd like to jump in here. I've been plagued with this problem since the install. I have a busy career and a 2-year-old. I need whatever sleep I can get and this bull$#it reminder is _the_ single most annoying thing ever to come out on a windows phone (And I've been on WP since the beginning as a former MSFT employee). It's intrusive and offensive. It wakes me up at all hours of the night, every night!!!! - 12:30 AM? and reminds me at noon or early afternoon while I'm trying to get enough hours in my day. I don't have time or patience for this reminder BS that can't be turned off. I love racing apps, but this is a deal-breaker for me. Will uninstall the app and rate it appropriately.
Extremely intrusive and annoying notification, happens on my phone, now on my PC. just un-installed the apps, and left a worthy review of the app in both app stores. It's ridiculous that any developer can think they can get away with such practice.
well what can I say....I enjoy this game and it's much better than the previous gameloft raceing games! look out for mark. s if you see me on the track lol. I totally agree every day now I get the notification......GRRRRRRR!! I delay it for about A day lol. Fingers crossed gameloft sort it!! Spiderman 2 did it for A while and stopped lol:orly:

Gameloft??? use the noddle! The people have spoken!!!
Sorry i can't chip in here, but could any good soul tell me how much space this game takes up? I have 1.86GB free on my phone memory and it still won't let me install the game, saying there isn't enough space.
Sorry i can't chip in here, but could any good soul tell me how much space this game takes up? I have 1.86GB free on my phone memory and it still won't let me install the game, saying there isn't enough space.
Game itself is about 1gb, so I guess you need about 2.5 to install it.
The notifications are very annoying to the point that I decided to uninstall the game. I'll check back here if the devs have removed this before returning.
Same issue here and it's been annoying the EFFF out of me. Literally 7 reminders to play come in at one time and I have to dismiss all 7 reminders. And I'm doing this 3 times a day. It's getting worse every week.

Hope a fix is coming real soon.
Same here. The notifications woke me up during a night. I couldn't find anything in the settings to disable them so I decided to uninstall the game which is sad because it is pretty good for a smartphone game.
Grrr. Just got woken up at almost 1 in the morning because there is no way to turn those notifications off. Just deleted the game for good. I definitely won't miss it!
yeah me too, it got deleted which was a shame as its a good game but whats with all the nagging ???

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