facebook messenger app, eat 10% battery life per hour on 1520

I've heard others say that it eats battery, so you're not alone. When installing Facebook and Facebook Messenger, my Nexus 5 froze...the only time it has done so. I'm not saying it was because of Facebook, but it was odd. For that and other reasons I deactivated account and uninstalled.

Posted via Windows Phone Central App
If you put it in standby does it do the same my 1520 goes from up to 5 days down to 8 hours due to this, I uninstalled the messenger app wish it was native like 8 again
If you put it in standby does it do the same my 1520 goes from up to 5 days down to 8 hours due to this, I uninstalled the messenger app wish it was native like 8 again

That I don't know I'm afraid...I only installed because friends urged me to; I didn't like it and uninstalled after about half an hour.

Posted via Windows Phone Central App
I downgraded to 8.0, Facebook chat is in app not normal chat, the phone is cooler, battery life returned to normal. Must be fb app is 8 not 8.1!

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