WPCentral Question
My current L920 (Rogers, Unlocked, Black) fell and the glass is broken. I bought it from Negri Electronics last year, but it doesn't seem like they have the same model available
I am on the Family Mobile (T-Mobile US MVNO) network and I would like to have a penta-band phone, so I could switch from T-Mobile or AT&T, and of course, I would like it to be unlocked also.
I tried searching on ebay but I was too scared about the unreliable ads that they had (they had listed an L920, as having the 1700 band, but it was clearly labeled ATT phone). Is there a reputable site like Negri that you can recommend?
If the 920 wasn't available or if the price was right, I wanted to get an L1020 that was unlocked, and penta-band. (On a side note, does the L1020 have wireless charging built-in? - i know the ATT doesnt have it built in, but how about the international/canadian version)
If the L1020 doesn't have wireless charging, should I get the 1520 instead?
I am on the Family Mobile (T-Mobile US MVNO) network and I would like to have a penta-band phone, so I could switch from T-Mobile or AT&T, and of course, I would like it to be unlocked also.
I tried searching on ebay but I was too scared about the unreliable ads that they had (they had listed an L920, as having the 1700 band, but it was clearly labeled ATT phone). Is there a reputable site like Negri that you can recommend?
If the 920 wasn't available or if the price was right, I wanted to get an L1020 that was unlocked, and penta-band. (On a side note, does the L1020 have wireless charging built-in? - i know the ATT doesnt have it built in, but how about the international/canadian version)
If the L1020 doesn't have wireless charging, should I get the 1520 instead?