Will my unlocked L820 get Cyan OTA?


New member
Feb 23, 2012
I have a Lumia 820 previously locked to EE/Orange in the UK. Once my contract ended I obtained an unlock code and moved to Three on a monthly rolling sim only deal (unlimited 4g data! GBP12.90!).

My phone still shows the carrier as EE in 'about' however though everything seems to work fine on Three's network.

Three have never carried the L820 so my question is, will I receive the Cyan update OTA via Three or does my phone still showing EE as carrier have any bearing?

Has anyone been in this situation before for any of the other updates (Amber, Black etc)?
Excuse my ignorance but how does that work if I'm no longer with EE (even though my phone seems to think it is)?
The phone, it's firmware was programmed for its original carrier. It'll receive updates only from its original carrier.

Even if it's unlocked and you can goto any carrier that the phone is supportive. It's still and EE phone in the end.
The phone, it's firmware was programmed for its original carrier. It'll receive updates only from its original carrier.

Even if it's unlocked and you can goto any carrier that the phone is supportive. It's still and EE phone in the end.
Yeah, it all depends on the firmware on the phone.
If the phone was purchased sim free and unlocked it will receive cyan when the country variant firmware is released. It has nothing to do with what carrier you are currently using. However, if it has Ee firmware then it will receive the update when ee release it
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Thanks for the replies and assistance. On the plus side it's good to know I won't be left behind with the update... on the other hand as I am waiting on EE it will probably not arrive until 2015... they're usually the last to release these things for WP.
Thanks for the replies and assistance. On the plus side it's good to know I won't be left behind with the update... on the other hand as I am waiting on EE it will probably not arrive until 2015... they're usually the last to release these things for WP.

I may be wrong but I think ee was one of the first networks with the black update. I think they may have even had it before the country variant. my memory may just be bad though haha

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