Moving contacts from iCloud to wp

gavin dal broi

New member
Jul 5, 2014
Hi all.
Just bought my first WP a yellow 1520. Love it and I'm hoping to get away from my ipad and iphone to just one device. Having issues setting up contacts and calendar. Firstly I have setup up email which doesn't use a server but is a networks solutions email, I have had it setup with outlook office for a while now and I think all my contacts and calendar are on iCloud. I can still access all the contacts and calendar on my pc office outlook but I can't get them to sync onto my windows account. I have a windows live account which has the same email address for all my other accounts. I have even BT my contacts from my iphone to my 1520 but I can't find them on the lumina. I have binged it and done a lot of the things they suggest but I am still new to the ways of windows.
Any help would be great
Thanks again.
Welcome to windows. Great choice and i never looked back on switching eaither. With help to your problem.i cant help but notice you said all contacts are connected to i cloud. Nokia uses SkyDrive so being a different system it wont sync with icloud to get your contacts. Save your contacts to hotmail.then use that same hotmail address on your phone. Your contacts will now download onto your phone 😊
How long have you been experiencing this problem? A month ago when I had just subscribed to the World Cup 2014 calendar updates it had taken a few hours before the dates and games actually showed up on my phone... So im saying you might have to wait a bit.. However your situation is different to mine lol
So my contacts are on my account but trying to sign in on my phone to get them on and I keep running into when signing in on my phone it says that account is already signed in under my name and shows the email address. Should I reconfigure my account to be under a different email address?

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