Fix windows without losing personal files

Hmm im still on w7, but I've played around with 8/8.1... So you're trying to reset basically? The best thing to do would be to make a partition of your c drive and then later restore that if the system has deleted your files
PC Settings > Update and recovery > Recovery. You should find the settings you need there. If you suspect that this is a problem with your C:/ directory, move all of the files that you need from there.
PC Settings > Update and recovery > Recovery. You should find the settings you need there. If you suspect that this is a problem with your C:/ directory, move all of the files that you need from there.
Just I want to know if I choosed the first option, my files will be affected?
Just I want to know if I choosed the first option, my files will be affected?

REFRESH: No files nor modern apps should be lost - legacy programs like Google Chrome will be uninstalled.

Still a good practice to back stuff up, whether to OneDrive, Copy, a hard drive...

RESET: nukes everything from orbit
Thanks alot, the last question.. Have you heard that anybody lost any of his files after refreshing?
Thanks alot, the last question.. Have you heard that anybody lost any of his files after refreshing?

Nope not at all you won't lose your files.

But its no excuse to not back up your files, do it!
Computer hardware eventually fails, whether in 10 months, 10 years, or longer. There are too many horror stories out there. Just syncing to OneDrive should suffice or just copying mission critical stuff to an inexpensive flash drive.
Thanks for your help :)
I'll move my files to another PC, my internet connection can't upload all these files

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