Cant play youtube videos properly

kumaran kaliyannan

New member
Jun 16, 2014
Hi, I started getting this error all of a sudden today. Clicking a YouTube video from takes me to the desktop website and the above error pops up. Not able to play any videos which I was able to play earlier. Anyone else facing the same issue? What might be the problem?

Is your browser set to desktop mode?
Also you can use apps like mytube or metrotube which is a better experience imo.
Well I've tried mytube, metro tube, running youtube on my phone via internet explorer in both desktop mode and mobile as well as on a netbook - its working fine for me.
I m having d same issue , not able to play any YouTube videos they r just loading like forever in ie11 & mytube giving error sorry can't play this video ...... Anyone here hav any sol pls
i can play videos through desktop mode in ie 11
but not in mobile mode nd through any of the apps

Anyone with a sol
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i'm from India,,, i have tried in 3g , 2g, wifi, even on my desktop google chrome,IE , Firefox everything bt still unable to play a single video,,, also tried clearing histry , temp files etc ,,, no reslt...

There is an issue going with youtube India servers. This issue is only for some user not everyone and it occurs on all platform even on android.

P.s:- I am not experiencing any issue I can play video without any problems on windowsphone,android, and pc
Let me clarify u
That dis is especially happening to bsnl broadband users

Sent from My Lumia 525
Dot issued notice to block all the torrent sites as well as some file hosting sites
But by mistake d changes made by d isp's to block these sites affected the YouTube and U all can check that dis prob is mostly for bsnl broadband users by reading comments on d article published by the sites on this prob nd
I can easily play videos through airtel 3g
Sent from My Lumia 525
Hi i am using wp 8.1 , in my case youtube is not working on wifi but it is working fine on 2g and 3g...and it has happened suddenly....any solution????
if anyone in india
is having any issues in streaming youtube videos

it is happening due to the guidelines provided by the dot in india
they hav blocked
dats y in india some users cannot stream youtube videos
to make it work just change ur DNS TO GOOGLE DNS
  1. Go to your youtube application or via IE,
  2. play any video
  3. if it pops up an error "Sorry, cant play this file on your phone", close the pop up,
  4. you can see the video still pretending to load,
  5. scroll down the video to see the comments
  6. try to add your own comment
  7. it will ask you to sign in to your google account
  8. Sign in and try to play the video again.

It will play.
If it's not working still, I recommend just getting a third party YouTube app from the store. YouTube on IE for WP8.1 has been regulary buggy for me so far.

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