Lumia 710 won't play any Youtube video

Vineet Kumar2

New member
Jul 7, 2014
It's working absolutely fine on other websites like dailymotion and even on youtube it was playing the videos without a hiccup until about a week ago.

And now when I click on the play icon on a youtube vid it says "sorry, we can't play this file on your phone". There is no error code or anything else. Just this short message every time I click on a video.

The same videos were playable on this device about a week ago. They are not in the flv format or any other format that's mobile incompatible. And the phone doesn't have any problem playing the already downloaded videos, including a few from youtube (that were downloaded using the UC Browser). The same videos are now unplayable from the website.

Also, I've tried playing them in a different browser (UC and Internet Explorer). I have updated my phone too, just to be sure. I've downloaded the Youtube and Metrotube apps from the market with the same result. Basically, I've tried everything except performing a reset. Is anyone else having this issue?
It's working absolutely fine on other websites like dailymotion and even on youtube it was playing the videos without a hiccup until about a week ago.

And now when I click on the play icon on a youtube vid it says "sorry, we can't play this file on your phone". There is no error code or anything else. Just this short message every time I click on a video.

The same videos were playable on this device about a week ago. They are not in the flv format or any other format that's mobile incompatible. And the phone doesn't have any problem playing the already downloaded videos, including a few from youtube (that were downloaded using the UC Browser). The same videos are now unplayable from the website.

Also, I've tried playing them in a different browser (UC and Internet Explorer). I have updated my phone too, just to be sure. I've downloaded the Youtube and Metrotube apps from the market with the same result. Basically, I've tried everything except performing a reset. Is anyone else having this issue?
Restart the phone? Pres volume down and power button at the same time for 15sec... Then let go. It restarts itself.
I face the same issue few weeks before so I guess it's the same time with your issue. Have your issue resolved?

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