Cricket Phone on AT&T Plan


New member
May 15, 2014
Since at&t purchased Cricket Wireless, could I purchase a Lumia 1320 from Cricket and use it on my at&t plan? I've heard that the SIM cards are interchangeable, but I don't want to purchase the phone unless I know for sure. Thanks!
Im currently using an AT&T 920 using an Aio sim card which is now Cricket and it works fine, but idk if a Cricket phone would work with an AT&T sim
I asked a Cricket rep this question yesterday and I don't know if she didn't understand me but I first heard a yes, then it was a no, then it was, "You can always try and see what happens and if not buy a SIM card"... I was thinking of getting the "free" 620 and use the sim card from it in my current 1020.
If you decide to take the plunge let me know how it goes. I also called Cricket and they said that you can't buy the phone without buying a month's worth of service. So who knows. Thanks for the reply.

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