WP 8.1 and music sync with windows 8 and RT


New member
Nov 9, 2012
Can someone please explain what the heck is going on. Syncing music via windows phone desktop app, windows phone app, windows media player or even the Xbox music app has always been a pain. Every single tool Microsoft has given us to move music has the most convoluted experience ever. With the addition of wp8.1 I noticed a new headache. Somehow (without my approval) windows has been syncing my "playlists" but not the actual music. Instead it tells me to add songs to the phone and it will add them to said playlist name. Ok, I am going on a tangent because of the frustration. Can you answer this and only someone who has experience please

1. What is the best way to get music and playlists onto windows phone from windows 8/rt ( we have both) and vice versa. So far every attempt has led to duplicates and playlists with thousands of songs in them.

2. Is there a way to keep them synced ex: Wp8 w/ windows 8/rt that doesn't cause the above mentioned problems.

3. Wp8.1 does not save playlist edits when editing on the phone. They added a very intuitive way to interact with playlists but it doesn't work right unless I am doing it wrong. What is the proper official method for editing on phone. How does/Will it, affect syncing (see question 2) one-way or 2-way sync.

4. Are my issues simply because of the size of m music library? 64 GB in windows 8 and about 20 on wp8

Sorry for ranting just frustrated. I do not mind starting from scratch and erasing everything if there is a way to do it all that actually works. I will blow away all the music on my phone just to do it the right way happily.
You can only do it with 8.1 otherwise you need to delete the entire playlist and create it again adding that one song. It's a bummer I know but trust me even after updating it is still horrible. You will likely not see a lot of responses to this because there is no fix. Xbox music, needs to be fixed. I say just wait a few mths until MS fixes it. Then try again. In the meanwhile abandon all hope of a normal music experience from your smart phone. Just do simple stuff like press play and you will be fine.

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