Apps not showing in Action Center after Hard Reset (WP 8.1)


New member
Jan 27, 2013
Hi everyone,

I just did a hard reset this morning on my WP8.1 Preview for Devs. but stopped the backup the halfway because the WiFi auto disconnects and there's no way to reconnect again. Then i tried to hard reset the second time but the problem was still there.:eck: Tried for hard resetting 3 times already but the problem was still there every single timee. So yeah, backup was only done half way (around 24%) but luckily apps were automatically downloaded into my phone. However the problem is apps like Twitter, Whatsapp and Line do not show in my notification and action center settings. I did a restart on my phone but that didn't help. Has anyone faced this problem before?:amaze:
You need to receive a notification at least! Not sure, for how long you have started using Developer Preview, however if you have just installed it then you need to wait for someone to ping you or someone has to post some feeds on facebeek or twitter. Notification center will start getting feeds after apps will receive notifications. Secondly, you need to make sure background tasks are enabled for those apps to work in background. If you have not made any changes after DP was installed, then wait for someone to ping you on whatsapp :-)
I see.. so that's not a WP problem but some special way to organize the app notifications! Thanks for the info!! ^^

Yup. Its not an issue and not a WP issue indeed. Notifications can be managed by heading towards Settings--> Ringtone+Sound. You'll find a button called Manage App Sounds at the bottom of the page. You will find various apps that you can manage (Based on the fact if a notification was received ever ). App management will let you manage app notification sound and various settings that you want to use in Notification Center!

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