Nokia Lumia 810 parsing texts

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WPCentral Question

So I'm getting really tired of my phone parsing/splitting up texts into texts of 160 characters each. My friend and I have huge conversations with each other a lot, and it's difficult for him to puzzle together five texts that have gotten split up.

I haven't seen anyone else mention this, and I have no idea what to look at in a new phone to make sure it doesn't do the same thing.

SMS is inherently limited to 160 characters regardless of phone and texts are split up when sent anyway.
Maybe you should try something without that limitation like Facebook or Email, its harder to lose too.
Yeah, a lot of phones put them back together after they've sent though, so it's a big block of text, rather than four smaller blocks (or however many). Lumia 810 doesn't put them back together once they've sent :( How would I go about looking for a phone that does?
It's not exactly on the spec sheets, I would perhaps send lengthy texts to friends or smartphone reps to see how their phones display it.
Haha, that seems so simple, should have thought of it earlier :)

Looks like it sends fine to most people. It's just the friend I text with the most (and have lengthy conversations with) that it happens to. He has an older iPhone, so I'm assuming that's probably what's going on. He needs an upgrade, not me!

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