Xbox Music C00D7176

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WPCentral Question

Anyone else experiencing the above error when playing downloaded tracks? Some work, some don't. Seemingly random. Same on Windows 8.1 - Microsoft aware of it, no fix available just yet. Streaming works though.
Same problem here, prolly gonna ask for a refund for my music pass and leave Xbox music. They've screwed me over one too many times post Zune... I miss WP7 it worked 100% of the time for everything... Gimme WP8 functionality and Zune music pass and I would be on the WP bandwagon 100%... Way to care for your customers MS, thanks again for making everything harder than it has to be
Still experiencing this problem... Why isn't this resolved... Why can't we get support on this... I'm back to using my Zune HD in the car, doesn't help when I'm anywhere else trying to play music tho... Fix this now!

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