Does charging your phone while its being used hurt its battery?


New member
Jun 16, 2014
So my sister tells me that if you use your phone while its charging, it can hurt the battery. She says phone charger cables are short for that reason (WP Cables are longer than apple :)) I dont think that's true, is it? It better not be because im charging my phone right now XD
it's more to do with how many times your phone keeps running out and recharging. charge cycles. even in the manual for my 620 it says I can use my phone while it's charging.
So my sister tells me that if you use your phone while its charging, it can hurt the battery. She says phone charger cables are short for that reason (WP Cables are longer than apple :)) I dont think that's true, is it? It better not be because im charging my phone right now XD

It will not hurt the battery significantly. It probably puts wear on it, but I dont believe it to be significant. Charge when you feel like it. just be sure to cycle it once in a while to maintain accuracy.
Also, that's a interesting explanation, but no, she's wrong.

I don't know but I've heard that overcharging reduces battery life.

Current batteries and even older ones have overcharging protection thankfully.
Alright cool, also my sis only charges her phone when she has 25% or less battery and says it will hurt it if I charge it if it has 50%,75%,90% etc.
So my sister tells me that if you use your phone while its charging, it can hurt the battery. She says phone charger cables are short for that reason (WP Cables are longer than apple :)) I dont think that's true, is it? It better not be because im charging my phone right now XD

Hi there!
I have heard of the same thing. It's advisable not to use phone when it's on charge. One thing that you can do is plug in your ear phones if the call is very urgent! :)
What i learnt about lithium ion is,
1) it'll damage if it's hot.
2) using while charging is not a problem.
3) lithium ion have very low memory. Due to this, plugging in and out frequently is also not a problem.
4) prone to overcharging. HOWEVER, phone nowadays is protected from overcharging, so we're cool 😎
5) make sure not to use the phone till the battery runs flat. Charge earlier.

Pretty much that's what i remembered. If i said things wrong, my bad.

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