BUYING 1020, 930 or N?

Denzel Yu

New member
Dec 12, 2013
i'm thinking of buying either a lumia 1020, 930 or just wait for a new wp device. i'm also buying this just now since 1020 is reaching its EOL and i'm after its(1020) camera mostly and the color and design of 930. i just can't decide since too bad both don't have sd slot and one of the reasons i didn't immediately buy one of the phones.

i'd like to know your suggestion/views on buying these. Even better if you guys know the difference in picture qualities since the camera is one of my priorities (if possible, with actual pictures) .
what do you guys think of the probability of having a successor of 1020 (w/ its high res cam) being produce within this year or maybe 1st quarter next year?

UPDATE: 6 inch screen is too large for me. 5 inch is optimum size but i can live w/ 4.5 inches.
What about rumors of new high-end WP to be released?
I'd like to know the picture quality of low light performance on 930 too since i'm hearing that it's not that great
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If you want the camera, I guess you probably wait. The 1020's hardware has got really old. If you can live without the massive camera and don't want to wait for newer phones, get the 930 (though the hardware is still not new). If you absolutely want new hardware, then just wait.
Lumia 1020 user.
i'm thinking of buying either a lumia 1020, 930 or just wait for a new wp device. i'm also buying this just now since 1020 is reaching its EOL and i'm after its(1020) camera mostly and the color and design of 930. i just can't decide since too bad both don't have sd slot and one of the reasons i didn't immediately buy one of the phones.

i'd like to know your suggestion/views on buying these. Even better if you guys know how big the difference in picture qualities since the camera is one of my priorities.
what do you guys think of the probability of having a successor of 1020 (w/ its high res cam) being produce within this year or maybe 1st quarter next year?
maybe you should look at the 1520, it has the same 20mp camera as the 930, has an sd card and a massive battery I think it was over 3000mah. it's going to get living images with lumia cyan too. But that is only if you mind the size.
@Wam1q, so you think nokia/microsoft will release a newer device w/ a high res cam like 1020 (may or may not be the successor)?
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maybe you should look at the 1520, it has the same 20mp camera as the 930, has an sd card and a massive battery I think it was over 3000mah. it's going to get living images with lumia cyan too. But that is only if you mind the size.

the only problem i have with 1520 is the size, if only it was 5inch i would've bought already, other features are more flexible but i just don't want a 6 inch phone

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