Help me understand the 'Extras & Info' settings page

Ifrah Akram

New member
Jul 20, 2014
SaLam M NeW HeRe ... M using lumia 520 ... I found lumia Black Update in extrs And info ... Bt i jxt couldn't update it ... It hav a red symbol ... Dnt knw the rezn ... Anyone help me wht could i do ... Plxxxxx ????? :(
re: I don't understand what 'Extras & Info' is telling me

That means you have the black update. Its red because update names are usually written in that colour but they couldn't exactly have black on black.
re: I don't understand what 'Extras & Info' is telling me

Your phone's firmware is up to date. And your OS is officially up to date as WP8.1 has not been rolled out for the Nokia Lumia 520 yet.
re: I don't understand what 'Extras & Info' is telling me

If software is released since jan 2014 thn it should b rolled out ... Is nt it ....??? Sory for my bad english :(
re: I don't understand what 'Extras & Info' is telling me

Salam ifrah, no need to worry. You have the latest official update for your lumia ;)
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re: Help me understand the 'Extras & Info' settings page

Chill.. Not everyone using english as their first! Takpe still boleh paham.

No one got heated. So there's no need to tell anyone to chill.

And I agree with BatteryLife - it's hard to help someone in a language you don't speak. This is a board where proper grammar is used. I did my best, and so did others. Another instance of why this is a great community.

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