Virus alert message+full cache wipe of IE in lumia 520

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WPCentral Question

Hi there,
I was broswing on a lumia 520, with Internet Explorer, when I pushed some link that I shouldn't have; it appeared a gray windows, like every grey windows the phone pops up to comunicate something such as "low battery" or "you have to activate ----- in order to function properly"...
anyway, the message said that I've encounterd a virus, and that I had to start repairing. The only action possible was clicking "ok".
I've quit the program, and I've deleted the cache+cookie from the general setting menu of the phone.(setting-->application-->internet explorer)
I started IExplorer again, and the message was still there.
I clicked "ok".
Everything was back as usual.
Now, I find that some word tha I have searched with the broswer, are still there, and I can't delete them. I've tried everything I could; deleting cache from IE, deleting cache from general setting, donwloaded the nokia app "lumia storage check" to analyze memory status, and deleted the temporany files.
nothing worked.

so, what was that virus warning?
why I can't delete completely the search history of the broswer?

please help,

The virus warning was a harmless popup dialog box meant to scare you. The only real solution is to not go to that webpage since its coded into it by the looks of it. Even then, it cannot affect you.

The message was still there because your phone was trying to reload the last webpage open.

Do not worry about viruses on Windows Phone, as of now and the near future, it is completely safe for the most part, there are many threads explaining why and such.

Also, try clearing the search history in search settings, that should clear the rest.
hi there,
I've membershipped the website in order to continue the thread.
I thank to the both of you, for your efforts.

I have tried these paths;
IE-->settings-->delete chronology
IE-->settings-->advanced setting-->memory management
neither one worked.
some word, in the search bar, still pop up. like, I type c, and immidiately appears "cheesecake factory", for example. search done days and days ago.
I also deactivated the bing suggestion.

question for xandros9;
how can the browser keep reloading the same page, after I cleared the cache/chronolgy?
Try this as well: Before closing IE, open the tabs menu up and manually close it from there and then clear the cache/history - so next time you open IE it should be with a fresh, clean tab.
Yeah, the virus warning is most definitely harmless. Just a pathetic prank by some third class website you must have accidently visited. Don't worry about it.i assure you. As for the caching of ie11 , I have no idea but you can try some other tips mentioned by others in the thread,

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