I had contact today with Microsoft about this issue and this is part of their answer:
Steven B.: Can you check something on the phone for me please? Go to Settings > Extra+info > More > Manufacturer.
ron: first I had the 1520 from att but I did not like the 16gb and not qi wireless charging that they pulled out
ron: rm-938_ita_ita_905
Steven B.: Thanks, give me a few moments to check into that.
ron: ok
Steven B.: ron, I apologize for the delay. I am still reviewing my database and researching for a solution. Thank you for your patience.
ron: no problem
ron: I appreciate your help
Steven B.: So I looked into it, it appears this is an unbranded Italian phone. This means were waiting on the OEM to release the update in Italy. We don't know when this has be officially released but is due to release in the near future.
So my question is now how far are they in Italy with rolling out 8.1 and which carrier is this?