If you are on wifi, does ur phone still use mobile data?

Ellen Nelson-Rowe

New member
Jul 25, 2014
Hi, so my dad is annoyed because I've used up my 500mb mobile data for this month but I didn't realise. Ive been on holiday and I haven't really logged into the WiFi. But I'm back now and I'm using home WiFi, so I just wanted a confirmation that using WiFi will then use less mobile data???
When you are on wifi, you do not use data plan at all. Check occasionally to make sure you stay connected to wifi... my access point likes to take coffee breaks and throws me back to LTE. :P
Leaving Wi-Fi on actually doesn't stop your phone from using your data plan. In fact, it depends on how did you set your Data Sense app. Normally it will use Wi-Fi for everything you do, and your data plan for background tasks. It really almost doesn't use any of your data, but it uses a little bit.
Wi-Fi overrides cellular in practically every case.

However, with limited connectivity, such as a Wi-Fi connection that goes nowhere, there's an option to fallback to cellular in 8.1.

Also, MMS is strictly cellular as far as I know.

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