Can you use windows phone private pictures?


New member
Jun 17, 2014
I have this queastion because I would want to know this. (example) Nokia Camera, is this a safe camera app or which (camera) app than too.

Can you do private pictures without Nokia, Microsoft or or government has the right to see? I can see the pictures alone and no one else?

For installing the app (on the site) is:

video and still capture
phone identity
owner identity
video and still capture
location services
music library
photos library
media playback
data services
movement and directional sensor
VOIP calling
Web browser component

What does this mean? They can see in the gallery my photos? And may themselves carry the pictures of you I understand it wrong?
That means the app has just permission to use those services on your phone.

In the context of Nokia Camera:

1) Video and still capture: self explanatory.
2) Phone identity - it can store the make and model of your phone in a special data section in the photo's file - would allow you to see if someone's taken it from a website without your permission it (if it hasn't been removed). Can also be used positively - Flickr users can compare cameras with this, for example
3) Owner identitiy - probably linked to Onedrive backup
4) Location services - it can save your location as GPS coordinates for some sites that (with your permission) overlay on a map, where your photos were taken - can be turned off.
5) Music library - Possibly used in conjunction with Creative Studio.
6) Photos library - you can go direct into the photo library so for example, you can delete a photo you don't want without having to come out of camera, and into the photo hub
7) Media playback - so you can review videos, same as (6) really
8) Microphone - used in recording videos
9) Movement and directional sensor - so you can change between portrait and landscape mode just by turning the camera around
10) VOIP calling - video calls maybe?
11) Web browser component - sharing to some websites I assume, or backing up to Onedrive in the background, possibly

These as well: HD720P (720x1280)
WVGA (480x800)
WXGA (768x1280)

Just dictate which size phone is supported, in this case all phones are supported.

Nobody is allowed to carry pictures of you without your permission. Sadly it's not written in law - it's just seen as impolite or a violation of privacy or just plain perverse. Unless it's related to a police matter (for example you've been reported as missing and police are going door to door with your picture, asking if you've been seen lately) - or wanted in connection with a criminal act. I'm not saying you are - that's just one of a few reasons police officers would be allowed to be in possession of a photo of you without your permission.

In a nutshell, nobody can see what's in your gallery unless you show it to them, or the images are uploaded to a place they can be visible to the public.
So no one can see my photos?
Gt Racing 2 has access to photos library and that does not mean they can have access to my photos.

By the way wp has also just like android app ops, which is that you say yourself what app which has access to. At ios you have privacy and then stand there apps which have data and rights, is that also at wp?
Not unless you show them or make them public.

I think GT Racing has access to your photo library so it can save pictures to it... never played it so I can only assume.

I think with all three app stores, if you feel they are accessing more than what they should you can report them on their relevant store page. I know on Android you can install something that can restrict what apps can and can't do, but under normal circumstances if you refuse to grant the app any permissions then it won't install. iOS - I should think would be along the same lines but I've never used it so I couldn't say for certain.

On WP though the only service I've seen ask for permission to install is Location - denying that would result in the app not installing at all.

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