when going to be in O2 shops availaible Nokia Lumia 1030?
I didn't want to appear rude either. Oo I was just trying to point out that nobody can answer that question, since the device hasn't been officially announced yet. And I haven't seen any legit leaks of it either so far. But reading my post again, I see that I could've written it in a nicer way. My apologies.
I try to be as helpful as I can be. But to be honest, it baffles me how many threads about the exact same topics pop up each day. Or how many users in a thread ask questions that have been answered already in just a couple of posts above. It appears to me that a huge bunch of users just don't give the slightest damn about using the search function or at least read what others may have written about a topic already.
I confess. I am loathe to use the search function. First, it's Google. Second, because it's Google, we can't just see in-site results, we have to see 3 or 4 paid ads above the results...