Don't know what to think...Will MS build top shelf phones or middle to low end only?


New member
Mar 20, 2012
Don't know what to think. Will MS build top shelf Phones or Middle to low end only? I ask this because of the recent news articles saying just that. So if MS doesn't build top of the line Windows phones, I understand HTC and LG are going to. What is the answer? I love my two Lumia phones, a Icon and a 1520 but was wondering if MS has it in its plans to continue to offer High End phones. IMHO to compete, they should.
In my opinion...
It would be a smart move to stay low end for a while.
Let the consumer buy, make judgements about the OS then go for the throat with sweeter hardware if things incline.

Someone I know who fiddled with my 925 for a test drive remarked:
"Gee this thing is pretty advanced for a year old phone."
I hope they do make at least one high end device to release this fall. All the 920 owners on AT&T whose contacts are expiring will not settle for a cheap 635. Most will upgrade to the new iPhone 6 and be lost for at least two years while in another contract.
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 using Tapatalk
I hope they do make at least one high end device to release this fall. All the 920 owners on AT&T whose contacts are expiring will not settle for a cheap 635. Most will upgrade to the new iPhone 6 and be lost for at least two years while in another contract.

That's the biggest issue I see; the first 920 users ready for an upgrade this fall. The 1520 is a niche device, the 1020 is EOL, and besides, neither of them are new anymore. If the 920 users are platform agnostic, they'll be looking at not only the iPhone 6, but the Galaxy S5, Note 4, HTC One M8, and the LG G3. I think a lot of them were counting on McLaren.
That's the biggest issue I see; the first 920 users ready for an upgrade this fall. The 1520 is a niche device, the 1020 is EOL, and besides, neither of them are new anymore. If the 920 users are platform agnostic, they'll be looking at not only the iPhone 6, but the Galaxy S5, Note 4, HTC One M8, and the LG G3. I think a lot of them were counting on McLaren.

Count me as one of those persons ready to upgrade.

I'm willing to wait longer than this fall. I once held onto an available upgrade for 11 months. However, the average US postpaid consumer who does not follow this site or other tech sites tends to use his/her upgrade ASAP. That person will look for the latest flagship device if he/she had a flagship device previously, especially since the flagship devices from all platforms/OEMs tend to be around the same price with subsidy.
With my ativ s aging / wear and tear
im near upgrade time. I wont upgrade to a low end device so sadly enough it looks very likely leaving WP for a bit.

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