I need advice. Which phone should I get?

Hamza Waseem

New member
Jun 1, 2014
1. I have a one year old 620 which I love. Its on 8.1 DP.

2. I'm wanting to upgrade. We have no carrier subsidy or any of that, so my options are:

A. Keep the 620 until a 730/830 comes

B. 925 (really cheap here)

C. 820 (decent specs and SD card)

D. 1320 (not a huge fan of the size, but I'll manage)

E. Your advice

So guys? What should I do?
Lumia 1320 would be the first choice. Second would be to wait and see what 730/830 have to offer, although once you use the big screen you might not go back.
1320...lets face it...if you want to watch a movie or play a game we go for a big screen right?

Weeellll, I like my phones to be portable, but thats just me. heh.
(I wouldn't be able to manage, but the 1320 is a somewhat solid sidegrade from the 925 IMO if you wanted to trade the camera and a couple features for that screen)

I think the 925 is a fine option if its as cheap as it sounds.
Since you are not tied with any carrier plan, could be a good idea to hold that L620 for some time and see if 730/830 appears... but if you patience is short then i would recommend the 925, the 1320 also is a good idea too the micro SD slot is a plus.

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