Has skype for windows phone 7.x been discontinued?

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Yesterday I couldn't login to Skype on my lumia 800 (running 7.8).
I was able to log in via the web page and on a friends android device.
There have been posts on the Skype forums that people on 7.8 devices can't login.
I've already tried uninstalling and reinstalling and restarting the phone, by that has not effect.
I also note that Skype no longer shows up in the store as available for 7.8 devices. Does anyone have any information about this?
I -needed- to make a Skype call yesterday and ironically I needed to use a friends lg android phone to do it because I couldn't do it on my lumia.
If this is microsofts way of forcing everyone on 7.8 devices to upgrade, its not going to work.

"Is Skype for Windows Phone 7 being discontinued?

Yes. We want everyone to experience the best Skype has to offer – from enhanced quality to better reliability to improved security – and the newest version of Skype is the way to do that. So everyone can benefit from the latest improvements, we sometimes retire older versions of Skype across all platforms, including mobile devices. For that reason, we are permanently retiring all Skype apps for Windows Phone 7.

As a result, within the next few weeks, you’ll no longer be able to sign in and use Skype on any Windows Phone 7 device. You will still be able to use Skype on a variety of mobile platforms, including Windows Phone 8 or 8.1, but unfortunately, Skype will no longer be available in any form on Windows Phone 7.

If you have a subscription that you will no longer be able to use (that is, you don't use Skype on your computer or another mobile platform), you will want to cancel it to avoid being billed in the future."

A skype forum member writes:
I just spoke with support and they gave me this answer:
"As per our advance resources, unfortunately, old Skype versions are retiring. Unfortunately, the
latest version for Windows phone is no longer supported by Windows 7 phone. The best option for
you is to upgrade your phone for you to be able to install latest version of Skype.

It won't be possible to install or update Skype on Windows 7 phone since it doesn't meet the
requirements for latest Skype version"

"The best option for you is to upgrade your phone for you to be able to install latest version of Skype." The best option is to find an alternative to skype or get something running android or ios. I was perfectly happy with my lumia 800. My brother has an HTC Legend running android from 2010. Skype still runs on that. Microsoft is forcing me to leave windows for either iOS or Android. Or find an alternative to skype. Good job MS. Good job.

It is a frustating experience, after all WP 7.x users have found without warning,their devices are not longer eligible for Skype, and of course the main reason to buy this handset is how WP so proud claimed when they launched the device, the capabilities of handling the Skype, at this point it sound like a bad joke, claimed just days ago that the service is not available, even sugesting people to upgrade, then are you making devices just for one year?, this is an unbilievable situation, that would be remember for year to come and will be a dark spot for MS and WP forever,and never recomend a WP to anybody, knowing that MS are not able to take any action on this matter, in long term you will damage the companny using those diabolic strategics,thanks foe acepting my post, and my condolens to the loyal costumer that trusted for a final time on WP.

Unfortunately that's what happens when you get BETA hardware , and yes that includes all WP7 lumias , shouldn't have been released f you ask me , since Apollo was already in the works when Lumia 800 was released , I would recommend though getting an old lumia 820 or 920 or wait a bit until Lumia 830 and 730 are announced , both are going to be priced aggressively( like all the market ) if you are ready to go BIG the 1520 or the 930 or the on m8 should be a good choice.
if you decide to bail ship how ever , I do think you'll miss metro UI , it isn't something you forget easily , personally ,I've got my first windows phone just for the looks of it ;)
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