How to transfer SMS messaes from windows phone 7.5 to an android phone

  • Thread starter WPCentral Question
  • Start date

WPCentral Question

Hello. I have recently had an upgrade on my phone contract and this has had me move away from windows to android.
I've been looking around the web to find solutions as to how i can put my text messages from my old (windows) phone to my new (android) phone.
I has successfully transferred all my contacts over with relative ease and the next step was to get my text messages across. I found out about an app called "Transfer My Data" which claims to work on all windows phones (and is compatible with other operating systems ie. android, iphone etc.) however it doesnt seem to be available for windows phone 7.

So the question is; is there any way of getting my text messages from my windows phone 7 to my new android.
PS. i also have this query about transferring whatsapp messages across too.

Im a little new to this forum bizz, so please be gentle :p

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