U.S. phones in Europe

Yes, there are 2 requirements: The phone needs to be GSM compatible and it should be unlocked.

With those 2 requirements the US phone shoud be working in Europe, at least making calls, sms and up to 3G mobile data. The 4G and LTE functions depends on the phone own compatible bands.
Hello everyone! Do U.S. phones work in Europe?

AActually, it depends a bit if you just want to use it while abroad in Europe, i.e. for roaming, then it would only need to be GSM , but not necessarily unlocked. You'd have to speak with your carrier about a roaming package.

If yyou want to put a foreign SIM card in the phone then it does also have to be unlocked. Plus you would have to check which 2G, 3G and 4G bandwidths the device supports. Just as in the US, different carriers have different bandwidths. It's just important to inform yourself before putting in a SIM card from a carrier that uses the wrong bandwidth for your phone.

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