H harihar akhil New member Jul 20, 2014 471 0 0 Aug 4, 2014 #2 Use transfer my data Upvote 0 Downvote
Rafael Yousuf New member Oct 19, 2013 358 0 0 Aug 4, 2014 #3 Use the transfer my data app provided by nokia, it need bluetooth connection Upvote 0 Downvote
H harihar akhil New member Jul 20, 2014 471 0 0 Aug 4, 2014 #4 Yes it needs if you want to transfer it in other way, this app would help you to just export your phone contacts to your SD card and can be shared via onedrive or any other sources Upvote 0 Downvote
Yes it needs if you want to transfer it in other way, this app would help you to just export your phone contacts to your SD card and can be shared via onedrive or any other sources