GDR1 UPDATE 1 slows down Lumia 520


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May 12, 2014
Yesterday i had updated the DP version of GDR1 UPDATE1 released by MS that allowed me to organize my start screen with folders and also introducted alpha version of cortana. After I reorganized my start screen with folders, i notice there are lags that occurs while i navigate back to start screen from any application or a phone call. This didnt happen earlier. Also, The battery has been draining in rocket speed. I use lumia 520. Anyone facing similar situation? Or how can it be corrected?
Give it time to settle. The battery draining will settle down after a few hours or days. I'm not sure about the slowing down. Maybe it's because of the 520's hardware limitations.
Yesterday i had updated the DP version of GDR1 UPDATE1 released by MS that allowed me to organize my start screen with folders and also introducted alpha version of cortana. After I reorganized my start screen with folders, i notice there are lags that occurs while i navigate back to start screen from any application or a phone call. This didnt happen earlier. Also, The battery has been draining in rocket speed. I use lumia 520. Anyone facing similar situation? Or how can it be corrected?

Try a restart.. and report back.. My 620 is fine after restart..
Give it time to settle. The battery draining will settle down after a few hours or days. I'm not sure about the slowing down. Maybe it's because of the 520's hardware limitations.

Not optimized for 512MB RAM is something that cant happen or cannot be expected from a cmpany like MS, especially when they make such milestone updates
I use a 520 and just updated yesterday also, but no issues worth any lag... In fact I commented to the wife that it seemed slightly slicker now! About two weeks ago I did a hard reset and reinstalled developer preview but without using a backup. Maybe that's a factor?
It is getting smoother as time passes.. so feel there s something to settle down...
My battery drain also got a lower pace now...
First of all we are running a developer preview os, which is in beta state and not ready to be published yet. So a bit of buggy experience is normal here. On the other hand the 520 is a low end device, so overall you are supposed to get a bit of an unpleasant experience. I use a 520 too and i also get lags in the start screen after update 1. But we are helpless. Hope things will get better after the cyan update. Oh and btw turn off cortana and location services, it helps.
I have a bunch of apps running in the background and only when I push/touch the Windows key I happened to notice some lag in the main screen transition. It's OK with me. Still with these minor hiccups I love MS and Nokia. These guys did a fine job with preview for developers, with wp8.1 and with GDR1.
I have a bunch of apps running in the background and only when I push/touch the Windows key I happened to notice some lag in the main screen transition. It's OK with me. Still with these minor hiccups I love MS and Nokia. These guys did a fine job with preview for developers, with wp8.1 and with GDR1.

Apps don't run in the background.
I have a 520 and with tgis new update my phone is litterally flying. I dont use Cortana since it is nit avaliable in my country. I did not hard reset my phone after update and i am very satisfied now. Really,no lags no glitches :)
If you're facing lag issue then turn off the background task by using Battery Saver
Everytime you create a Live Folder..The app in that Live Folder activates background task itself!
I also had the same issue earlier but working fine now :) Lumia520 WP8.1 Update 1
No battery issue found after updating...Great work by Microsoft :D
First of all we are running a developer preview os, which is in beta state and not ready to be published yet. So a bit of buggy experience is normal here. On the other hand the 520 is a low end device, so overall you are supposed to get a bit of an unpleasant experience. I use a 520 too and i also get lags in the start screen after update 1. But we are helpless. Hope things will get better after the cyan update. Oh and btw turn off cortana and location services, it helps.

I don't know about Cortana but turning off location really helps.
Yesterday i had updated the DP version of GDR1 UPDATE1 released by MS that allowed me to organize my start screen with folders and also introducted alpha version of cortana. After I reorganized my start screen with folders, i notice there are lags that occurs while i navigate back to start screen from any application or a phone call. This didnt happen earlier. Also, The battery has been draining in rocket speed. I use lumia 520. Anyone facing similar situation? Or how can it be corrected?

Hey, I've a lumia 520 and lemme tell you that it's faster after update 1.
Have you tried a soft reset?

P.S: I don't use Cortana and location is always turned off in my phone.
I didnt try soft reset. It once hard reset my device and the backup failed.

I use cortana and also the location service is ON since i m frequently on travel!
Coming to the battery sense, i had switched it off since, keeping it on consumed more battery. I had almost switched off the run in background for all except whatsapp and cortana.

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