advice needed on replacement screen

Tomas Kavanagh

New member
May 21, 2014
I dropped my 1520 and cracked the screen, so I'm looking online for a replacement screen. Seems there's lots of things I need to understand, such as digitizer, LCD etc.
The phone screen is cracked but I can see it fine, and all touch features work perfectly, so does that mean I need to buy something less that the full package?

Would anyone know what exactly I need to order? For instance on Ebay I can see:
C/Original Touch Screen Digitizer Glass Replacement For Nokia Lumia 1520 N1520 for $42
and Replacement Parts LCD Display Screen For Nokia Lumia 1520 for $113

No repair shops here stock the screen but will fit if I bring one in.
In all smarphones there are 2 pieces that makes the screen: The LCD and the digitalizer, is like 2 layers... first comes the LCD in the interior of the phone and the digitalizer goes in the exterior and detects the touch input

In your case, you only need the digitalizer since the LCD seems to be intact. In other words you only need the $42 glass replacement.

Before buying the digitalizer just make sure the LCD part is not defective, you can try to load a complete white picture, setting brightness to high and see if there is some dead pixels (Black or any color spot) in the screen.
On the Lumia 1520, the digitizer & LCD are factory sealed, VERY DIFFICULT to separate. Don't think it advisable ... your (& repair shop) call.
Thanks for the replies guys. So if they are joined on the 1520 i'll be better off getting the complete unit. ust checked it out and seems about $200. Better not drop it again :(

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