Is Microsoft going to keep the surface series going?


New member
Jun 16, 2014
I heard that Microsoft is losing billions on the surface series, if it's true, do you think that Microsoft is going to stop the series? I heard it on pocketnow on YouTube...pretty cool channel for daily phone news.
I don't think so. I can understand why Microsoft is losing money on the Surface series but they're improving vastly. Other than the Nokia Lumia 2520, which is quite old now, Microsoft doesn't have any other dedicated Windows RT/Windows 8.1 tablets (developed by Microsoft directly I mean). The Surface Pro 3 has already outsold all previous Surface tablets, if I recall correctly, and I firmly believe the Surface/Surface Pro 4 will make these sales even greater. They're getting better, no one can deny this, and they're easier to buy as well.
I doubt Microsoft will release the Surface series until it becomes apparent that nothing will EVER come from it, not just that nothing is coming from it right this second.
If you look at the finance graphs from various websites, the revenue from the Surface is now massively higher than in 2013. Yes, they still made a loss recently - 600m, but that's much better and the direction when graphed is looking to be trending the right way: sales up a lot.

Nothing is changing for the time being... Microsoft generally get into things for the long term, not the short term.

Something else you have to consider is this: Reviews of the Surface 3 are generally much more positive and the product appears to be well received. That points to higher sales. Also while tablet sales are going down, the Surface is really a ultra portable laptop that can run enterprise apps and be used as a tablet too. Pretty unique in the business world which is where a lot of premium sales come from.

Personally I want one for the cool factor... and I suspect I'm not alone out there... I do know I see many more at the local Starbucks these days.
But tablets aren't like phones, people dont wanna get a new one all the time. Once they have one, they dont upgrade it after 2 years. And think if a IOS user gets an iPad, they aren't switching. They probably dont understand hat tablets aren't just supposed to be big phones, they should be improved.

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