WP 8.1 background tasks and app behaviour,what changed?


New member
Dec 19, 2013
I feel WP 8.1 is a big stride forward compared with WP8 even with the hubs being removed. Most of the functionality of the hub has been restored, albeit in a different way and is being improved upon. The panoramic background in the photos hub is the only thing I miss about the hubs.

But there is something which has bothered me since upgrading to the DP. Why is it that , for an app if at the initial launch , I choose not to have the live tile , still have its background agent enabled? Why do the user again need to go back to the battery saver app to disable it?. Earlier, in WP8,this wasn`t the case as the background agent would automatically get disabled once live tile was disabled. This happens even for the official apps , so I don`t think its due to the app developers not making their apps compatible.Does Cyan fix this? Is it related to the OS or the firmware? I find it annoying that I need to do this task again. I like the fluidity of the OS which was one of the primary reason I switched to WP in addition to the modern UI, however cortana, live folders are just taking their toll, so I need to limit my background tasks. Any lag/stutter reminds me of the galaxy s4 I had a year back and its touchwiz UI :P

I haven`t gone back to WP8 and so, haven`t received cyan update. I am now on WP8.1 Update PFD. Would be great if anyone here(esp.app developers) would enlighten me on this different behaviour .Thanks in advance
Perhaps because an app doesn't need to have a background task to have a Live Tile enabled, and vice versa, a background task might be used for something else.

Thanks again. I did a few searches and found out about the existence of primary and secondary tiles for an app. The primary tile is the one which the user can pin from the app list, while the secondary one is the tile we can pin from inside an app. It seems devs have no way to check whether the primary tile has been pinned or not and enable/disable background tasks, but they can check for the secondary tile and toggle the background tasks. I presume Microsoft wanted to play safe with the user complaints about live tile not updating and decided to leave it on for the end user in WP 8.1.

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