small area of my lumia 625 touch screen doesn't work well

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WPCentral Question

I have lumia 625.. and I updated it to 8.1...
one day when I was texting long hours and I noticed the suggestion bar of the keybord is untoucable.. then I reboot my phone few times but cant fixed it.. then I notice when the phones desktop scorling up and down, there is a untoucable area in the middle of my phone.

plz somebody tell me how to fix this issue..
Could try the touch sensitivity setting in the settings (if it exists on that model), but if you've power cycled the phone with no joy it may be worth a call to NokiaCare.
I have exactly same issue. central area doesn't work and scrolling up and down the screen shows a jump as I pass the dead area. This makes waking up the phone a chore as well as the auto correct bar is clumsy. I also experience a jittery effect on some webpages . feels like I'm fighting someone else that has control of the page.
My temporary fix is to use the phone on its side.
otherwise im looking for a replacement, since mine is a little over two years old now.

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