Lumia Icon Battery Life


New member
Aug 9, 2014
Recently my Icon's battery life has been getting shorter. The estimated hours drops from 14 hours at 100% to 8 hours remaining at 91%. I tried two soft resets and also deep cycled the battery. What else can I do? Is it a problem with the battery or simply the firmware? (I.e will Cyan fix it? I am NOT using 8.1 DP.
The estimated time left is not accurate from what I have observed. I have pretty good battery life with my Icon on 8.1 in comparison with a 720 I had before which had really good battery life.
I've discovered that messaging and social apps are battery killers, especially WhatsApp. Basically anything with push notifications and background syncing drains the battery faster, which is understandable for push notifications I think.
I've started to disable anything running in the background that I don't need constantly going. I'm just worried that my battery is shot and I don't want to go through the hassle of getting a replacement.
Keeping your battery charged is a good practice for maintaining good battery life. Li-Ion batteries don't like running low on energy since it uses up the cycles faster.
Modern batteries are smart so they stop taking charge once full, preventing overcharging and overheating. What kills batteries is heat and using up the (charge) cycles from letting the battery drop too low.

EDIT: In short, charging overnight is fine.

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