fast battery drain & overheating on lumia 1520

Srdjan Zekic

New member
Aug 11, 2014
Hi, i have problem with fast battery drain and overheating on my lumia 1520. I just bought it few days ago, and updated it to windows 8.1. I love this phone but battery life drain from 1 to 10 % per hour when im not using it, (no programs in background),wifi etc are off. 2 days ago i accidentally launched camera, when i came back phone was so hot that i thought it was dead. but it was not, battery drop by 55 - 60 %. they say this phone have good battery, but so far i don't see it and i real like WP. im thinking to downgrade to w8. is it something wrong on 8.1. and is there any app that show program that work in background, like task manager on windows? if there is something wrong with 8.1 while there be any fix or updates?

thank you :)
Do you have Cortana turned on? I also have this problem. It started after the WP8.1 (Cyan) update, but not until I started using Cortana. The overheating, rapid battery discharge, and Loading… message got worse over time. I contacted AT&T Warranty and got a new 1520. The replacement had WP8.0 (Black), so I did the update again before installing any apps. Everything was fine until I turned Cortana on and pinned it to the start screen, after which the overheating returned. I’ve repeated this process twice to confirm that Cortana is causing the problem, at least for me. To stop the problem I had to turn Cortana off (settings>applications>cortana) and unpin it from the start screen. If I turn Cortana off but leave it pinned to the start screen, the problem persists. I understand that Cortana is still a beta product and maybe not completely tested on all phones. I'll try it again when I see an update come through for Cortana, or hopefully the Update1 will have a fix for this.
I too have had this issue from day one when I installed the dev preview. Now with the 8.1 update the problem persisits. I have posted about this issue and have never found a fix for it. Like mention above, unpinning it seems to be the only solution. Hopefully this issue can be resolved rather quickly. I love how Cortana works, but its almost useless if we cant pin her.
well i dont use Cortana, i live in europe and i dont have Cortana (if i dont put my region to US etc), overheating is lesser now, but battery still drain faster then it should (but not as before). only social apps work in background and i have WIFI on (it dose not make any differences if i turn it off, i test it). I did hard reset and it did help a little. I hope windows get better updates etc in future, o just love how this phone works :D

thank you guys on your answers :)

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