Why can't I download 19mb+ apps via cellular data?


New member
May 29, 2014
Can't download 19mb+ apps via cellular data

Today morning i tried to download a 37mb app.but it says waiting for wifi... Then i check the store and every app that has 19mb+ want wifi to download. Any help???? (sorry for my english)
Re: Can't download 19mb+ apps via cellular data

That is not a bug. Windows Phones work that way.

You will need to use WiFi to download large size apps. If you do not have WiFi at home or work, you will need to visit a cafe, library or restaurant that has a public WiFi network.
Re: Can't download 19mb+ apps via cellular data

But In past days i download those apps by mobile data. Now i can't download apps more than 19mb without WiFi. 😓
Re: Can't download 19mb+ apps via cellular data

so it isn't just you who experienced this. I can download apps of over up to 100MB and then after Cyan update, i can't. and yes only 19MB apps and below can be downloaded via Cellular data. Why is this happening?
Re: Can't download 19mb+ apps via cellular data

I'm guessing it's some sort of protection they implemented so you don't overuse your cellular data. I'm not sure if this will work but go to Settings/Applications/Store and turn off Update Apps on Wi-Fi Only. See if that does anything.
Re: Can't download 19mb+ apps via cellular data

I solved it i guess. I updated to GDR1 and now i can download via cellular apps over 19 mb

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