Swarm by Foursquare

Peter Carroll1

New member
May 28, 2014
I just updated to WP8.1 and downloaded Swarm by Foursquare and I have authorized it to log in using Facebook but it never goes past that screen. Any one else experience this and do you know how to fix it>

dunno - i had a previously linked my FB with foursquare, so it picked up those settings. unfortunately it does not actually post my checkins to FB - but using the foursquare app does ... I emailed/tweeted them about it .. no reply

I think the whole FB stuff in swarm is broken..sounds like a lot of folks have problems with swarm+facebook

Hi all;

I have a Lumia 920 with wp8.1 gdr 1

Recently having some issues on making check-ins with swarm.
When I add someone to checkin and make comments on top of that; what all the app react is turning the points and nothing happens.

From time to time; I can make checkins without comments or people added.But it's so unstable.

Is there anyone else having same kind of problems?
I don't have Facebook, but I had always used Foursquare to check in and post on Twitter. That isn't working for me with the Swarm app.

I emailed them, but I haven't received a reply.

If the check-ins via Swarm don't show up on Facebook or Twitter, then it must mean that the social network links are broken. Hopefully, an update to the Swarm app will fix the bug.

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