are my eyes deceiving me?


New member
May 8, 2013
Every report seems to spread doom and gloom about windows phone sales but in my little part of the sunny UK I'm seeing more windows phones in the wild than ever before while it is obviously nowhere near the amount of I phones or galaxy's compared to 6 months ago when you would never see one i do think it is slowly growing.
I agree. In the UK too and seeing lumia tv ads everywhere. Even on an advert for curry/pc world...they are advertising TVs and yet at the end..there is a windows logo and there wasn't even a windows devices advertised. Think windows are doing really good personally in the uk
99% of people are either Android or iPhone, but its just because a few years ago Microsoft made the mistake of not showing a lot of ads (if any) of the windows phone (in the UK) and android ads for phones were always advertised and because it was cheap to buy most bought them kind of phones (me included) to be honest I never heard of a windows phone. One day my iPhone broke, so couldn't afford another so I got a cheap android. This went on for years...then one day I saw the 520. Didn't do any research and the price back then was a hundred and twenty pounds which is a typical affordable price for a standard smart phone. Being curious I decided to give it a try. I did and loved it. No more "force closures" due to low ram, no more bugs, smooth operating system. No freezing. I loved it so much I bought 1520 on credit. Still haven't started to pay it off tho but wow. I love it. And today I picked up an iPhone 5s for the first ever time. It just looked a "pathetic" attempt to be a smart phone. So small. I can never go below a 6" phone now.
Every report seems to spread doom and gloom about windows phone sales but in my little part of the sunny UK I'm seeing more windows phones in the wild than ever before while it is obviously nowhere near the amount of I phones or galaxy's compared to 6 months ago when you would never see one i do think it is slowly growing.

Here in Pakistan, Nokia does a lot of advertising for Windows Phones, putting up huge billboards, posters on every phone shop and on many phone shops the only thing I see on display for people to use are the Lumias.

But sadly this hasn't helped. Due to the app gap not many people consider the Lumia series and I've honesty seen more people with a Nokia X than I have with a Lumia.

Shame to see such amazing devices go down so fast. :/

99% of people are either Android or iPhone, but its just because a few years ago Microsoft made the mistake of not showing a lot of ads (if any) of the windows phone (in the UK) and android ads for phones were always advertised and because it was cheap to buy most bought them kind of phones (me included) to be honest I never heard of a windows phone. One day my iPhone broke, so couldn't afford another so I got a cheap android. This went on for years...then one day I saw the 520. Didn't do any research and the price back then was a hundred and twenty pounds which is a typical affordable price for a standard smart phone. Being curious I decided to give it a try. I did and loved it. No more "force closures" due to low ram, no more bugs, smooth operating system. No freezing. I loved it so much I bought 1520 on credit. Still haven't started to pay it off tho but wow. I love it. And today I picked up an iPhone 5s for the first ever time. It just looked a "pathetic" attempt to be a smart phone. So small. I can never go below a 6" phone now.

As far as advertisement in my own country goes, barely any big companies advertise here other than Nokia but it hasn't had much of an impact.

Oh and I also owned the Lumia 520, it did have it's fair share of crashes and lags and the most annoying was the "resuming" dialogue when you switched apps.

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