no option for L2TP/IPSec on lumia 630 with latest windows 8.1 update


New member
Aug 16, 2014
Hi. I have been trying to set up my vpn to connect to free l2tp. My problem is that on my nokia lumia 630, which is running the latest windows 8.1 update:

There is no option for l2tp/ipsec for type. There is only IKEv2. Also there is only an option to connect using username+password or certificate. There is no option for username+password+preshared key.

Any help with this problem would be great. Perhaps its due to some limitation of my mobile

cheers for the reply, My current OS version is 8.10.12397.895, should this not have the l2tp/ipsec option . It looks like I would need a developer account to get the developer preview updates. It is €14 to sign up. Do you know of any other way to get them.

Will the next official release have the option I'm looking for anyway ?

cheers again
Just download the preview for developers app from the store. No need to pay. Then sign in with your Microsoft account. Once that is done you should have an update available which will bring you up to WP8.1 Update 1.

If you get stuck, I'll help out when I can. Good luck.
I have this same issue, but I do have the latest version of of wp8.1 with the update... any ideas? I just hard reset last night hoping that might change something, but I still only have IKEv2.
Thanks again for the help, but I have downloaded the preview for developers app from the store. The first screen says that the app gives registered developers early access to os updates for wp. When I click next and enter my Microsoft details, I am told that I must be registered as a windows developer. Anyway. Im pretty sure I am up to date at wp 8.1 update 1.

My guess is this is a feature not yet available in Ireland, just like cortana
cheers carl. went ahead with the update, sure enough, plenty of new features on the phone, including the L2TP/IPSec option in vpn setup. looking forward to checking themall out. I would recommend anyone looking to get extra features to follow the link above. create new project and register.

cheers again
Glad to help. Sorry I forgot the key registration part! BTW I'm also loving the new features, especially folders.
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