How Can Microsoft Gain Market Share with Windows Phone?


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May 22, 2013
MS: Why in the world would you have carrier exclusives if the carriers themselves actively counsel against buying your phone?

Somehow, I still bought a Lumia 920 as my first smartphone, anyway. I 97% still love it and Windows Phone in general, in spite of all the negativity surrounding it.

I understand about the app-gap, but honestly, MS should make the official apps they do have work as well as the iOS and Android versions. Instagram and Spotify are lousy, let's face it. If MS is apparently throwing money away, are they trying to say that the originators of these apps won't accept their money? That there's a better place for throwing away money?

Question: are MS execs high? I don't understand how they could possibly expect to gain market share. Is that even their goal? Is there some kind of plan? It looks like their strategy is actually to lose it. Maybe I'm the one who's high.
I think people are afraid of switching plus there are a lot of negativity like you mention from carriers representatives and the believe that Windows Phone does not meet in features to Android. Microsoft need to tell carriers that Windows Phone is competitive and can do same job or better than Android.
I want Microsoft to advertise cortana nd here drive in drive is definitely a boon for Indians to travel to unknown places.I love windows phone due to their true off line capability which is boon. Plz ms advertise cortana.

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If the salespeople that are supposed to push your phones actually prevent interested people from buying one, how can you possibly attract more than 2.5% of the smartphone buying public? How do MS execs not even know this has been the norm for years? If they do know, then why do they do these stupid exclusives?
I agree though here in the US, at least in Pennsylvania, Here Drive does give me some kooky results. Plus, even when I change the settings, I can't get an alternate route - I don't think that's good.
All I can say is, it's kooky! Really, none of it makes the most basic sense. I would be glad to be lousy at what I do too and collect those salaries.
Pay carriers a % of app royalty. It's all about the money...
I think a combination of carriers and mfrs.
Instead of 30% going to MS they should consider taking 20% instead.
And give 5% to the carrier if carrier billing is used and 5% to the phone mfr the app was first purchased on.
Give them a chance at continuing revenue after the handset sale
Just send a Trojan to android phones.nd attack android phones with malware nd virus all mid end nd low end android users flock to WP.ha haa just for fun

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It has to start on the store level, every time I have bought or upgraded my windows phone, the sales person tries to talk me out of it. I sent a friend of mine to an ATT store because he was having problems with his android phone and they sold him an Amazon phone, told him it was NOT android and better than a windows phone.
But no one here has addressed the main issue of why WP gets such a bad rap with salespeople and consumers alike - and then why MS does nothing about it.

I've never worked for a business like this, that doesn't address its most basic problems. So odd. But apparently MS is different.
How hard is it to recognize you have a major sales problem? Makes you wonder what ever happened, at least in Microsoft, to MBWA - management by walking around. Come on people, wake up! There must be something that can be done, otherwise why do it all?
Like the wireless charging - it's beautiful. So convenient.

The other day, the NY Times talked about it without even once mentioning Windows Phones - how can that be? That's basic to at least higher-end WP phones, and certainly unique to Microsoft, or at least it was. The selling is so lame!

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