If it's me you're addressing, switch side method, there you go....one of each.
But I'm afraid I've tried those suggestions....although with the battery thing I didn't let it drop quite as far as 0%.
At one point I had so many things switched off, the phone was a mere ghost of itself. So I've started switching things on again....Location for example. The 8.1 update downloaded some new apps, for which I have no use, Facebook and Skype for example, so I've uninstalled them. Following a Soft Reset earlier, I received notifications that three apps had been awaiting update for a week....though I don't recall ever seeing any number in the Store tile, so those sitting there may have been draining battery....I don't know.
I'm charging at the moment and if I see any improvements I'll post them. I will get this fixed if I can but am not in a great hurry because my 1020 is mainly for photography, but I sympathise with users for whom their phone is their daily driver.
Thank you for your suggestions, which may well work for others☺.
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